Chapter 13

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''Hey Ozzy'' I said rubbing the top of his head and I put his bowl of food on the ground and Mane beside his and as I sat up I got a bad pain in my belly. ''Shit'' I winched as I leaned on the patio table then I felt wetness between my legs and my eyes widen and my body froze until I felt a pain and I held the end of my belly and waddled into the house closing the back door after me and I picked the house phone up and hit number 1 calling Bradley's phone.

''Hello '' he answered.

''Bradley my water's just broke'' I said then I screamed out in pain.

''I'm on the way nice big breaths baby I be there in ten minutes'' I dropped the phone and screamed in pain as another really strong contraction came and I leaned my hand on the banister my other hand under my belly as I took deep breaths and pulled my phone from my pocket.

''I need an ambulance please, my waters just broke I am 34 weeks pregnant with twins'' I said and gave my address while breathing in pain.

''An ambulance is on the way, how far is your contractions'' she asked. ''3 minutes lasting 2 minutes each time'' I said and I cried in agony and the front door shot open, I turned my head to see Bradley followed by Chris and Justin I pushed the phone in to his chest and I stood up straight taking deep breaths and it was like this for another 4 minutes until I heard sirens pulling up the drive

''Everything will be fine baby'' Bradley kissed the back of my hand I hummed and I was in the back of the ambulance sucking on gas in less than a minute.

''This is going to be hard'' I said to Bradley as I sucked on Ice. ''I'd say it won't but I don't know how it's feel but I do know you will be amazing, you done great on Harvey's birth, and I know there is two but baby it will be worth it'' he said pushing my hair out of my face, I nodded and pouted my lips he smiled and kissed me softly then it got more forceful I smiled and pulled out.

''God we will have 3 kids by the end of the day'' I said his eyes widen a little.

''Well at least Harvey is at the stage where he under stands things and he is turning four in five months, he will be a great help, you know he won't leave the twins alone'' he rubbed my belly.

''We're 11 months married already '' I said looking at him and he smiled. ''11 months married with a 3 year old and about to have two new babies, best year of my life'' Bradley said I smiled kissing his head then bit my lips fiddling with my hands.

''What'' he asked. ''I'm 6 weeks early I should be having these babies on the 9 of July not the 24th of May'' I said

''Hey everything will be fine, if anything was wrong Ronnie they would have sectioned you as soon as you came in, twins don't go the full forty weeks you know that, your mom was four weeks early on your brother and sister'' he said I nodded letting out a deep breath and I felt a sudden wave of pressure down below.

''I feel the need to push'' I said to the nurse who just walked in she nodded and checked my cervix. ''Ok baby one is crowning'' she said and then my doctor came in with his scrubs on and sat on the small spinney stool and looked at me and smiled.

''Ok gentle pushes to get it going'' he said I nodded and I pushed for ten seconds then stop taking breath then went again and they pressure was become more unbearable I just wanted to push harder..

''And another big push like before'' the nurse said from my side I screamed, my hands holding my legs up and I felt the pressure fade and a beautiful baby cry filled the room.

''Baby one is a boy'' I let out a loud sob throwing my head back but I didn't have more than ten seconds as another contraction took over my body and I was told to push and I did.

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