Until I see you again.

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Harry's POV

At the unexpected touch of Elise shaking my arm I am dragged from my slumber where my heart is thumping and sweat is accumulating on my forehead, "it's me, it's okay," she promptly assures me as I sit up and catch my breath, my thoughts traveling through my nightmare that seemed to literally take my breath away and quite honestly scare the fuck out of me.

I take a deep breath and tilt my head to glance at her as her palm strokes my back ever so benevolently. "Just a dream, H," Elise whispers drowsily, the touch of her hand is enough to soothe me no matter what happens. "Do you want to talk about it?" Elise offers and I shake my head.

I don't want to relive the horror that appears to be a living edition: my father. I had presumed I had managed to work through the issues and torment my father put me through, I thought I was done with the nightmares and reliving the torment. I thought he was out of my life for good since he hadn't been around since our last encounter... seven years ago when he was drunk and I ended up in a hospital room. I thought it was all over.

Oh, how I was wrong.

I was hoping my father was only rocking around in my thoughts and dreams, turns out that's not the only place he's dancing.

I turn to face Elise before I caress a kiss to her lips, "Go to sleep, just going to make a tea." I whisper tenderly, doing my best to hide the fact that I want to jump out of my skin and crawl into a corner.

Elise doesn't question me or attempt to get me to stay in bed or talk, she nods and draws at the covers and nestles into the pillow while I carefully push my body off of the bed.

I make my way inaudibly down the hallway, chuckling to myself as I remember all the times growing up I exercised this hallway for various reasons. One instance is when I was too frightened to sleep alone in the dark so I'd follow the light of the nightlights and slip into bed with my sister, when she'd kick me out, literally, I'd pad into my mother's room and climb into her bed.

I needed security and a safety blanket at times, it's hard to believe, but even Harry Styles is scared at times.

I make my way into the kitchen and touch the kettle to boil while I gingerly look for where my mother has placed the mugs. I have come to notice that every time I visit there's always something that is rearranged, this time it was the kitchen. I open every cupboard before finally finding the one with the cups and mugs. Of course, everything is lined ideally and nothing is out of order.

I smile to myself, noting how Elise has the same tendencies to make sure everything aligned perfectly when it comes to household items. I used to purposely arrange things in different places to get on her nerves, every so often I'd find her giggling at my placements.

I pour myself a cup of tea and take a breath, beginning to wish I could go back to the times when things were much simpler. Where my business wasn't on rocks, my father wasn't slithering into my life, my brother wasn't dead and where Elise and I didn't have much to stress about. Once again, life seems to have thrown me into this turbulent circle that I can't manage to swing my way out of. Ever since my accident life has managed to become hell for me.

I overhear the creaking of the hallway and I assume it's Elise checking up on me, but I'm startled when I view my Mum.

She extends me her warm motherly smile as she crosses her arms over her chest to keep warm. "What are you doing up this late?" I challenge softly, abruptly feeling like a teen again as she raises a brow at me as if she has caught me up way past my bedtime.

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