While you were sleeping

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|| Harry ||

I smile to myself as I overhear the sound of Elise's heels echoing against the flooring downstairs and leisurely making their way to the staircase. I look at the suit on the bed, somewhat eager to get it on.
I never thought the day would come that I would be impassioned to draw on a full suit that'll be inconvenient by the end of the evening, but I am. It has been four weeks since the car accident and the last two weeks have been hell for a recovery, my body still isn't the way it used to be, it aches, it's still weak, and it still feels the aches it did when I was reclining upon the road.
Elise saunters through the bedroom door and I give her a grin as I greet her, but she barely gives me one in return. I frown for a moment but brush it off as she kisses my cheek.
"How was your day?" I challenge, running a towel through my damp hair as she sits on the edge of the bed and slips off her heels.
"Long and exhausting," she responds with a heavy sigh, closing her eyes for a few moments. "What time do we have to leave?"
"In an hour," I respond, clutching my button down and gliding it up my arms as Elise executes her fingers through her hair.
Elise and I grow withdrawn as we both get ready for the charity event, I give her some space, taking note of her sluggishness and her tiredness. I know what it's like to wake up at four in the morning and having to get through a whole day plus night dealing with things, I know how much it must be hurting her. But, after tonight it should be mainly me getting up at four and she can sleep and relax. That's of course if she continues to work under me and not Logan. If she stays in my—our— business, I do not expect her up and Adam before the sun even rises. Quite honestly, I want her to relax for a little while and let me take back the reins, she's exhausted as it is, I've executed enough stress on her, the least I can do is take it all back.
I wait downstairs for Elise, my eyes watching the time religiously— I hate being late, but I can tolerate it this one time for Elise. I've come to learn that waiting on Elise is one of the small things life has to offer. "Elle, sweetheart—," I begin to tenderly call from the staircase but stop when I see her reach the top. My eyes glisten as she flawlessly steps down the staircase in a white dress that compliments her in every damn way. To say the least, I can't help but still drool over her.
She reaches the bottom of the stairs and I kiss her cheek, knowing well enough that kissing her lips will ruin her lipstick, and as much as I have done that purposely in the past, I can't tonight. "You look lovely," I compliment here, appreciating the fact she still makes my heart flutter in my chest. She could come down these stairs in sweatpants and my t-shirt and I'd still swoon over her. I take Elise's hand and escort her out of the house.
Elise and I slide into the back of the car, our driver closing the door behind us. The moment I get settled, Elise rests her head against my shoulder and grows quiet, poor thing, I can tell she is exhausted and probably can't wait to hand the reins of the business back to me.
I slide out of the car as my driver opens the door and I stand and offer my hand to Elise, she places her hand with mine before elegantly getting out of the car and adjusting her dress. I take a breath as I gander up at my building, something I have managed to neglect for the last few weeks due to certain circumstances.
Elise presses her hand to my arm as we step inside my building and we make our way towards the same area I hold all my capital events, Christmas parties, welcoming parties, charity events, you name it. It's always the same room, just dissimilar decorations and setups. The doors slide open upon our arrival and we both take a step in, my eyes instantaneously glimmer as they meet the beautiful setup Elise managed to organise, from lights to flowers, to a black and gold colour scheme.
I really did get lucky with her, I swear.
"This looks lovely, truly." I kiss her cheek, proud of the fact she put this together with such short notice and little experience with things, Anastasia presumably helped her, but there is no doubt in my mind that Elise did most of the work, she isn't like me and passes things off to people of more experience, I tend to just swipe my card and have Anastasia do what needs to be done decoration wise.
"Ah, the man of the hour," Niall welcomes me, shaking my hand before engulfing Elise into a warm embrace,
"Mate, that is you, this is all for you," I shake my head, not wanting any sort of spotlight on me.
I may be leisurely stepping foot back into the world of business, but this event is focused on charity and formally announcing Niall as a partner in the business, he has earnt his position, especially with how highly Elise has spoken of him since I've been absent.
"And you, Elise, ain't you just looking wonderful tonight, still glowing." Niall chuckles and I roll my eyes impishly towards him.
"She is gorgeous, isn't she?" I grin, more than delighted to show her off and throw her out into the spotlight, she deserves to be told she is beautiful, "But, you should go flirt with Anastasia, I hear she is still on the market," I wink, purposely watching Niall clench his jaw to stop him from blushing at the sound of her name.
Oh, how I have missed being light-hearted with him and with everyone.
"Oh ha, ha, you are hilarious. So, I guess you're not firing me?" Niall teases me and I wrinkle my brow for a moment, trying not to smirk and remember my little emotional outburst that was a little overly dramatic.
Elise chuckles, her small laughter beside me bringing me more merriment than anyone could possibly imagine, "Niall, it was a really bad day. You're too... re...re.." I trail off, struggling to think of the word I am looking for.
"Reliable," Elise whispers just for me to hear as she kisses my cheek,
I clear my throat, "You're too reliable, can't get rid of yeh," I recover my small stutter and lapse of thought.
"How about you fly the coop? I know a few men waiting to speak to you about business." Niall subtly eases his way into a small convincement of luring me into business conversations.
I look towards Elise and she gives me a tender smile, "I'm going to get a drink, I'll catch up with you in a bit?" She proposes and I bite my lip, not really wanting to stray away from her, I feel more at ease when she is by my side, but I nod my head. She leans up and places a small kiss to my lips, "Niall, watch him," Elise instructs protectively.
I talk business with a few men, one particularly boasting about how well Elise was with him when he proposed a pitch to her. I'm more than proud of my wife, she deserves more credit than she has received.
I, for the life of me, have no idea how she managed to win over this man, a man that Niall had struggled with previously, but what I do know is that Elise is one hell of a woman.
I smile as the man continues to tell me about his encounter with my wife, honestly, I'm nothing but proud and honoured.
"She's a quick learner," I nod, his wife interrupting the conversation with a courteous smile,
"Where is your wife? I have yet to meet her. I'd love to meet the woman who is highly spoken of," she courteously questions, causing me to realise that I haven't seen Elise in quite a while, she has been MIA since she left me with Niall and that was at least an hour ago.
"She's around here somewhere, by the end of the night I'll be sure to introduce the two of you," I assure the lady as my eyes subtly pry around for my wife. I don't know where she has gotten herself off too, but she can't be too far.
The lovely couple excuses themselves and I find myself ultimately free of business for a moment.
I finally have a whole moment to myself to breathe in and out. As much as I have been eager to get back out into this world, my body fucking hurts, maybe Elise was right, I should have taken more time to rest, but I'm going insane having to sit in the house and do absolutely nothing.
My eyes scour the congregation of businessmen and women in their optimum attire as they mingle and network.
I hearken to the sound of glass breaking by striking violently to the floor and I flashback.

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