For richer or for poorer

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I concede quietness to overpower the two of us while we are in the elevator.

I can't believe Harry handed things over to Logan, I can't believe they're brothers, I can't believe I was never informed. I wonder what else he has kept a secret from me. There has perpetually been a side to him that he doesn't talk about very often, a side that has mystery that I have yet to unravel. I have always given him his space and not force him to tell me the things that he doesn't want to, but now, now I feel as though I don't know him as well as I thought I did..

How did he manage to keep Logan a secret and tell anyone after all these years? I have so many questions yet so little answers.

Harry doesn't say a word as my eyes watch the numbers declining in the elevator, eventually leaving us on the lobby floor.

"Harry, you just handed him your pride and joy," I break the silence between us as the elevator door opens and we step into the lobby,

"I'm aware." He nods coolly, not seeming too concerned, I don't know how.

His business is/was everything to him, this business has been his baby essentially, it has been his life since he started it up, he has never mentioned giving it up, selling it, or anything, minus the few occasions he was exhausted and jokingly commenting how he wants to sell it and move somewhere far away.

"Harry, that's everything you've ever worked for and you're giving it straight to him." ... "no, that's not right." I shake my head stepping away from Harry and advancing towards the elevator, ready to leap into action with my feet hammering the marbled floor so I can give Logan a piece of my mind, but I'm stymied by Harry's hand wrapping around my wrist.

I turn to face him and he shakes his head, "I can fight my own battles, let it be, Elle. If he destroys the business, let him. I don't have the energy to continue to fight him on every fucking thing. I have everything that I need." His voice is low and relaxed, something that doesn't put me at ease. He is far too calm for my liking.

"And what's that, Harry?" I question, confused as to how he can give everything up to his brother so easily.

I know if I was him, I would be on the verge of wanting to strangle my brother if he ever thought to ruin me. Then again, I am sure Harry has already thought of that and decided being on trial for murder wasn't something worth attempting.

He stares at me and gives me a small smile, "everything I need is right in front of me," he gestures towards me and causes me to slightly blush, after all these years he still makes me bush and my heart flutter at his thoughtful remarks.

"Harry, that's sweet, but we don't have an endless supply of money to live off of. Everything primarily comes from this business."

Harry releases his hand from my wrist and slumps his shoulders into a shrug, "Elise, end of conversation." Harry narrows his eyes onto me, giving me his 'CEO' glare, the one that makes his employers run for the hills, frightened of what he may say next if they do not obey what he has to say. But, it doesn't bother me. I challenge him all the time with his glare. It doesn't phase me and I don't see why he bothers trying to use it on me, he isn't going to get his own way.

I shake my head "No, you said this was our company, which means I get a say in this and this is bullshit." I bluntly voice my opinion, finding it ludicrous that Harry is ready to allow Logan to destroy him.

"Elise, enough." Harry mutters grimly, "now are you coming home with me or not?"

"No, you're being a prick." I cross my arms and narrow my eyes onto him.

His body stiffens at the remark, offended and outraged. He heavily huffs and shakes his head before composing himself, "Elise, just trust my judgment, damn, five minutes into the business world and suddenly you're the genius." He grumbles, my brows knitting into a frown, more than ready to fight back on his laughable remark. I was thrown into his business, thanks to him. "Fuck, I'm sorry, look... just trust me on this. I'm not trying to be an asshole but just trust me, okay?"

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