As good as dead.

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Rated M for Mature audiences.
Warning: Smut.

The door to the office cracks open and I look up to observe Harry stepping inside, he's clothed in a pair of black jeans and an innocent black t-shirt, simplistic, yet still a significant turn on.

I smile at him as he wanders closer to his desk "Hey, What are you doing here?" I challenge while he is placing a plastic bag on the desk before transiting around to me.

"I missed my lovely wife," he leans down and kisses me sweetly before sitting on the other side of the desk. "I got food in case you're hungry." He gestures towards the food. One thing I can say, he has been sweeter since his accident.

In the general run of things, he's sitting-down behind the desk and I'm on the other side, it's quite the change of events. "Since you decided to work late, I figured I'd join you, sweetheart." Harry smiles graciously, leaning back in the chair and staring at me with glistening eyes.

"You're such a sweetheart,"

"Mhm, I do try." He nods, "how are you? How's our angel?" He challenges affably and proudly.

He has been very radiant ever since I told him the news the other night, now he makes sure to always ask about he or she.

"Good, quite settled. Hey, my first ultrasound is next week, Anastasia said she would make sure your schedule is free," I inform him, remembering that I told Anastasia that I require Harry on Thursday. I didn't give her any details, just requested she makes sure he doesn't have meetings arranged.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, so, are you ready to hand back the reins come Monday morning?" Harry questions with a slight grin.

I know he is exhilarated to ultimately get out of the house and do something. He's not the kind of person who can be left on bed rest or house arrest for too long. He has been doing decently alright with gaining his strength and appears to be doing a bit better— so he may as well get back to doing what he does best.

"Love, it's all yours. I am about worn out. I don't know how you do it, darling... are you sure you okay to start working? I know you're still sore." I promptly interrogate, not wanting him to feel obliged to take over so expeditiously.

"I'll be fine, I told Anastasia that my first few weeks need to be light and I can't have more than two meetings a day."

"I don't know. I'm still uneasy about this,"

He heavily sighs as he gives me his soft grey eyes,  "Elle, I'll be fine. You can't keep working like this, I need you to relax."

Relaxing sounds like such an amazing thing, in theory, but in reality, I know that will not happen, it is hard to relax when I know he is going to push himself to get back into business purely because it is tiring me out so easily.

I bring up the question that has been frolicking my mind recently. "Mhm, what about Logan? Am I going back to work for him or what?" I don't know what's happening with my current position at Logan Enterprise... I'm not even sure if I have a job position. Logan was cordial enough to give me time off since the accident but he hasn't said a word to me since. 

"You're not working for him," Harry shakes his head, "I'm not trying to be a prick or controlling, but it would make me feel better if you stayed in our business, that way I can keep an eye on you and you won't be so stressed," Harry responds with a calm voice, something telling me he has been rehearsing this for a while. 

"Harry, if I work in this business, I don't want special treatment."

"Darling," he sighs, "just let me look after you and give you the option to relax. You don't need to be worrying about the business or being up at four in the morning."

"Neither do you," I point out, knowing very well and good that what is good enough for him is good enough for me. 

He has managed to do this for years without much complaint and I have no idea how. My hat goes off to him, truly. I never really understood until now how much energy this truly takes.

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