Seeing Each Other Again

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>Time Skip 2 years<

You rush downstairs with your pokemon trailing behind you. "I'm going out dad!" You call. "Ok, be back before sun down!" He calls out. You just rush out the door. Today is your seventeenth birthday and you want to spend it outside.

  Absol, Meowstic, ninetails, lycanroc and pikachu Follow you as you play around with them. "Do you guys want to dance?" You ask them. "Meowstic!" He squeals. "Lycanroc!" He included. "Absol!" She exclaimed. "Nine~tales." She sings. "Pikachu." She sadly said. You crouch down and let her. "I know buddy. I miss him too." You tell her. "Pika. Pika pika chu." She tells you. "I know you loved his pikachu, but we were forced to leave." You explain to her.

"It was great to see you two again guys." A familiar voice said. Your pikachu and Absol ran to him since his pikachu and Houndoom were out. You ran after them.

He looked at his Pokémon with yours in confusion. "I'm so sorry. My pokemon just ran off like that." You explain, getting them to follow you. He grabs your wrist and you turn around. "(Y/N), is that you?" He asked. "How do you know my name?" You ask him. "It's me. It's Ash." He explained. You give him a hug. "It's been a long time." You tell him. You let go of him. "It's only been 2 years (Y/N)." He told you. "That's still a long time!" You laughed.

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