Back to Kanto

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  You purchase the plane tickets for Jessie, James, and you. When you board the plane, you end up sitting next to Ash. You pulled you hat lower, hoping that Ash wouldn't recognize you, but the pikachus did. Ash pulled something out of his bag, it was a bottle of Ketchup. "Here you go buddy." He said. He sounded sad. "Pi cha~!" His pikachu squealed. He took the ketchup and started to eat it with glee. You started crying. Your pikachu started tugging at your jeans. You took out a bag of French fries. "Go nuts." You tell her.

  You fiddle with your fingers for a while. You yawn and fall asleep on Ash's shoulders. "You wake up and the flight is over.

  You hop out of the plane. "MOM!" Ash shouts, running to a woman who had brown hair. "Ash, welcome back home. Is this a friend?" She asked, eyeing you. "Ma'am." Someone said. It was one of your caretakers from when you were smaller. Your dad apparently caught wind that you were coming back and sent a limo to the airport. You nodded. You ran to it. You stop before entering and go to Ash. You give him a hug. "I'm sorry Ash." You whispered, slipping a note into his backpack. You went back to the car and drove off.

  You opened your house's door. "I'm home!" You shout. No ones there. Per usual. You go upstairs onto your room. Everything was like how you left it 5 years ago, just layered in a thin coat of dust.

  Ash went into his room and unpacked his backpack. Your note slipped out of it. He read it:

Dear Ash,
  I'm sorry that I hid who I was from you. I had a bad enough relationship with my family already. I didn't need more people to come into my problems. I hope you could forgive me. If you do, I'll be heading to Alola in a week. Or you could just head over to my house. It's at 1937 Pallet St. I hope to see you there.
-Your used to be friend,

  Ash started to cry. He started writing a letter to you. You got it a few days before you were leaving to Alola.

  Dear Y/N,
          I forgive you. I understand that you had problems of your own already and didn't wish for others to get involved. See you at Alola!
-Your friend,

  You smile at the letter. Maybe you can continue your friendship after all. Pikachu ran into the room while being chased by lycanroc and Absol. You roll your eyes and get to bed.

In Love with Giovanni's Daughter(Ash x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now