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  The next day, Team Rocket attacked. As told, they pretended they didn't know you. But Serena had something to say about that.

  "Y/N is a traitor!" Serena points to you. You looked shocked and looked over at Jessie, James, and Meowth. "No I'm not Serena! You're just jealous that I'm getting closer to Ash!" You retort. "If so, then where is Clement's pokeball for bunnilbe?" Serena mocked you. Caught. You toss the pokeball to Clement. "You got me there Serena." You smirk. "Also, I over heard your conversation about Team Rocket! Something about them pretending not knowing you?!" Serena asked you.

Jessie, James, and Meowth jumped out of the ballon. "You try to hurt Y/N, you'll have to get through us first." James says. "Meowth lets go." You shout. "At your service Missy." Meowth says. "Gorguest, let's do this!" Jessie tosses her pokeball out and gorguest comes out. "Inkay, gangway!" James shouts.

"Y/N..." Ash said, shocked. "I'm sorry Ash." You whisper. "Gorguest, use shadow ball!" Jessie shouts. "Meowth use fury swipes on the shadow ball!" You shout. An explosion(y does Pokémon have so many explosions?) was the cause and you were in the ballon flying away. "Y/N, are you planning on coming back to Kanto with us soon?" James asked. "Y-yeah. Soon." You respond, looking at where you attacked them. A tear rolls down your cheek. "Goodbye...Ash." You whisper. Absol and lycanroc were safely in their pokeballs. Pikachu was on your shoulder, looking in the distance.

  "When's the next flight to Kanto?" You ask. "Come again." Jessie asked. "I said, WHEN'S THE NEXT FLIGHT TO KANTO?!" You shouted at them. "The next flight is in a few days." Meowth said, looking at the phone.

  You all go into the city and stay in an apartment. Soon, the flight to Kalos was ready and you were ready to leave Kalos.

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