The Journey Begins

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You wake up and the rest are downstairs. You get dressed and slip on your shoes, bouncing down the stairs. When you get downstairs, every one is ready to leave.

"So where off to now Clement?" Ash asked him. "To Lumious City Airport of course." Clement states. "I'm so pumped to get back home to Kanto!" Ash exclaims. Serena drags Ash out of the pokemon center. "Well the sooner we can get to the Lumious City the faster we could leave." Serena huffs.

They all start walking off into the woods. "Wait for me!" You shout, running after them. Ash turns around. "There you are Y/N! Come on!" He shouts at you. You continue running towards them. Serena gives you the death glare. Your pikachu nuzzles his. "I think our pikachus are falling in Love." You note. They've been inseparable ever since they met.

You stop when you reach a clearing in the woods. You soak your feet in the river. Your feet are so tired and hurt a lot. "All right!" Ash shouts, jumping into the water. It splashes you. Your clothes and hair are soaking wet. "Hey!" You shout, splashing water at him. He splashed water at you but you duck, causing the water to hit Clement. Clement joins the fun as well as Bonnie. Serena keeps her distance from you and the others.

Something feels weird about Y/N. It's something I just can't place my finger on. Whatever it is, I'm going to uncover the secret. Serena thinks to herself. "Come on Serena! Join in on the fun!" Ash calls out to her. "I'm staying right here." Serena huffs. Ash tries to splash water at her but it misses. Absol jumps into the water.

"Absol!" You laugh. Bunnalbe and Greninja come out of their pokeballs and join in on the fun. Greninja used water pulse to create a huge splash, tossing you underwater. You open your eyes and fish are all around you. The current starts getting stronger and the fish start swimming the other way.

You manage to get your head above the water. A waterfall. You grab on to one of the rocks and hold on for dear life. "HELLP!" You shout. The others were about half a mile away. They were out of the water when they noticed you were missing. "HELLP!" You shout at the top of your lungs. "Y/N! Where is she?!" Ash asked, alarmed. They heard your shouts. "Let's go!" He shouts, following your shouts.

Your fingers were starting to slip and you went underwater again. You banged your head on a rock and knocked out. Ash spotted you. "Greninja, Get her out of there quick!" He shouts. Greninja hops into the water and saves you. You were unconscious and badly hurt.

You wake up in a tent and you walk out. You make it out and you fall on the floor. "Y/N! You're okay!" Ash shouts, helping you up. "I'm always okay. Nothin' keeps this girl down." You respond. Your ankle was twisted and you had to keep off it for a while. "We're staying here until Y/N gets better." Clement announced, bandaging you ankle. "I'm fine." You protest. "No Y/N. You were badly hurt and we stay put until you get better." Clement said. You grumble something that the others didn't hear.

You look up at the stars and see a shooting star. I wish for my father to spend more time with me. You wish in your head. The others were in their tents and you had your own tent. You were outside of your tent and went in to call Jessie, James, and Meowth.

"Y/N. Nice to hear of you again." Jessie says. "Be quiet. I have news that I wish of you." You tell them. "What is it Y/N?" Meowth asked. "I'm traveling with Ash." You tell them. "The twerp and twerpettes?" James asks. You nod. "Pretend you don't know me and don't even mention anything about my relationship with Team Rocket. Understood?" You ask. "Understood." They all say. You turn off the holo caster. Little did you know, Serena was right outside your tent, listening to every word you told them.

In Love with Giovanni's Daughter(Ash x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora