Chapter 29

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A frenzy of activity ensued as the task force pursued every lead and loose end before them. The heads of each intelligence communities called in their resources to analyze the events of the morning. The NSA focused on the data, trying to construct a discernible dossier on Azir, Khan and Ezra but to no avail. The CIA attempted to form links to international entities especially the Russians, but had failed to do so. The FBI led the active manhunt through the city. Thanks to Mac and Cusick they now had a Hyman Seafood Truck to look for, but for the moment the suspects were very much still at large. The President handled the bedlam of the PEOC in an ordered fashion, careful to focus on each issue as they arose, like a head chef in a kitchen, juggling each ticket of dinner service.

"Food shipments to and from the city have been stopped," Janet Powers called out from down the table.

"The National Guard is prepped and now on standby," Colonel Hardy updated.

"Keep them discrete, I do not want to start a panic by sending a tank down North Capitol Street!"

"Should we close off the beltway?" Director Fangold asked. The President consulted his Chief of Staff as he often did with a simple look. Reading his friend's expression, the President accepted the suggestion.

"Not yet. We do not want to cause a panic. We are confident that the two targets have been confined. I doubt that Ezra attacks outside of the constraints of his own game. We play by the rules and we may just make it out of this foxhole." He tried to offer the slightest inflection of hope in his voice.

"We have prepared a series of directives to the public who may be experiencing symptoms. We are ready to send them to local and national news in the event that we post it for the public," Michelle Fernandez briefed, familiar with damage control, although not to this magnitude.

"What are the symptoms?" the President asked the obvious question.

"Catherine Mueller has just confirmed that the symptoms are violent coughing and bleeding, nosebleeds, bleeding from the tear ducts, regurgitating blood, but the endgame of the bacteria is neurological. Since this is the case we add mental breaks, panic and especially seizures to the list of symptoms," Fernandez reported. Marty Jacobs's ears perked up at the sound of Mueller's name.

"I thought she was in the hospital," the President questioned, looking to Jacobs for explanation.

"I had her released to the care of the Spartans. I figured that Xander could use her expertise," Jacobs lied. Hardy lifted his head up at the sound of the words. His eyes settled on Jacobs, knowing that he had just lied to the President. He remained silent though, logging the suspicion away for another time. The President nodded at his Chief of Staff and proceeded on to the next matter.

"Okay then, have her send all of her findings to the Vice President and our contacts at the AMRIID." Fernandez nodded the affirmative and immediately picked up the phone.

"Where are we with Ezra?" The President asked down the table toward Hunterson and Hardy.

"The next clue comes in ten minutes. It is our suspicion that the next target will be public. He wants the panic. The more agitated the city is the faster people run, the faster it spreads, the more leverage he gains." Hooper considered the theory for a moment and then pushed a transmission button on the table.

"Xander, what do you have for us?"

Xander's voice echoed through the bunker over the speakers.

"We are heading toward Capitol Hill, Mr. President. We believe Ezra will strike at the heart of the city again!" he yelled into his phone over the racket of the speeding van.

"Good. We have the SWAT team on standby and mobile contamination units," Jacobs spoke as the President rubbed his throat.

"Anything else Mr. President?"

"No—" His first attempt went hoarse. He then cleared his throat. "No, that's all!"

"Over and out."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Fiona approached the glass for another round of questioning. Ezra sensed the impending interrogation.

"Go ahead and ask it?" he began, preemptively catching the redheaded beauty off guard.

"What are you trying to tell me? Xander is out in the field now, playing your little game, but you didn't ask for Xander, you asked for me. So, I want to know what you are trying to tell me. What do you want me to figure out," she asked.

Ezra's head cocked to his shoulder and strategized his approach to the answer. His neck popped, as if he was just warming up.

"Xander has clues to his truth out in the city. I sent him on a quest that will change his life forever, once it comes to its completion. Your clues are already here, within the confines of this Compound. You have all the files and data, regarding Project Sparta right here. You must learn the truth about Sparta. You must learn just how greatly the government violated our human rights," he explained.

"So, you want me to just... take a look around? See what I can find?" she inquired with frankness.

Ezra smiled as she caught on, confirming it with a few simple words.

"You're going to need to retrace your past to properly understand your present."


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