Chapter 13

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George Washington University Hospital

Washington, DC – 3AM

Xander walked the halls of the fifth floor of the GWU Hospital, passing patient rooms on either side until he spotted the Marshals down the hall. He cut left into a supply closet. There was a washer and dryer, in which he found a pair of blue doctor scrubs. After retrieving a surgeon's disguise, he approached the nurse's station where he met a tall blonde in a nurse's uniform. It was Ashton.

"Hello Doctor, how are you doing this evening?"

"Fine Candice, thank you." He double checked her name tag to ensure he got it right.

They began walking a lap of the ward together. Clearing a group of flustered nurses, they broke character for a brief moment.

"Are you ready for this?" Xander asked out of the corner of his mouth.

"Of course... it's the US Marshals – Busch league." They chuckled and quickened their step; turning at the end of the ward toward Catherine's guarded room.

"We have to get in there right now!" Xander was stopped by a hand of one of the guards. "Excuse me!" He played offended.

"No one can go in there." The guard's voice was plain and direct.

"Her vitals are crashing! Do you want her to die on your watch?!"

"You have to let us in or she is going to die!" Ashton exclaimed. The guards looked at each other for a moment. The guard who stopped Xander nodded to the other.

"Go in with them." He spun through the door and Xander and Ashton followed. Immediately after passing through the door, Ashton pulled a sedative from her uniform and inserted it into the guard's neck. Covering his mouth, Ashton caught him as he fell limp. It was a silent take down. The other guard at the door remained at his post.

"90 mm of dofetilide!" Xander barked loud enough for the guard to hear him, as he fixed the US marshal's comm around his ear.

"She's losing oxygen!" Ashton responded as she slapped Catherine awake. Groggy, Catherine started to come around. Slow to get up and unaware of her surroundings she was ushered to her feet by Xander. They stopped facing the door. Xander nodded to Ashton, who was equipped with another sedative.

"We need help in here! Sir, we need a hand!" The guard turned the corner of the doorframe to see a syringe soaring his way, end over end, sticking him in the shoulder. His body slowly succumbed to the medication and then he collapsed. Turning the corner were two agents who just witnessed their colleague fall to the ground.

"Code Red, need back up! Mueller's room Fourth Floor!" After sending the Code Red, they drew their firearms and approached the hospital room. As the firearm passed through the doorway it was met by a metal sheet, instruments flew in every direction. The firearm fell to the floor. Xander charged and engaged in combat with the first guard, while Ashton took on the second one.

Right jabs and kicks were exchanged. Blocked and batted away. Xander connected with a rib shot that was only stopped by a crunching of bone. The Marshal kicked off getting space to assess the damage. Xander hit a cabinet hard and found a drawer, where he found a scalpel. Huddled over but still in the fight the Marshal reengaged Xander. Xander slashed quick and direct, cutting his fist loose from itself. The tendons in his hand snapped and retreated back into his wrist. Blood sprayed on the floor.

Xander snatched from the drawer a roll of gauze. He flung the scalpel into the wall and approached the defeated man. After dodging a couple weak, floppy punches, he was able to trap his hands in a sheet of the gauze. Twisting them and wrapping them together, he tied the man's hands up, providing a tightly held bandage for his wound in a few quick motions. Xander extended a hard kick into the man's gut sending him onto his back and out of the fight.

Ashton stood with Catherine. Xander's eyes wandered for her attacker, who was unconscious seated up against the wall.

"What took you so long?!" She handed Catherine over to him who was still unable to maintain her own weight.

"Get the car." He threw the keys that she caught in stride and booked it down the hall. Xander was slowed by Catherine's weight, but listened carefully to the US Marshal's team communication.

"We have the east staircase, heading to the fourth floor," a voice chimed.

"We have the north staircase, we have the second floor," another one updated.

Damn how many people do they have on this girl? Let's take the west stairs then.

Catherine's steps increased as she was able to slowly carry her own weight. They entered the west staircase and headed down toward the ground floor. Xander heard a door open at the bottom of the staircase.

"West staircase approaching third floor," the voice updated in his ear. Xander was descending toward the second floor, when immediately he turned around and silently climbed back up the stairs with Catherine. He was calculated and direct in his movement, able to picture the entire US Marshal force throughout the layout of the hospital grounds. His internal radar, alerted him as the steps from below grew closer. The agents climbed each flight quicker than they could. After reaching the third floor they rushed to the stairwell leading to the fourth floor and turned the corner just in time. He dropped flat on his back with Catherine against the stairs for cover, his hand covering her mouth. Footsteps approached but then ducked into the third floor.

"Let's go!" he whispered to her.

As he descended to the second floor, he heard another update from the comm channel.

"Second floor clear, heading up east staircase." Xander turned into the second floor ward and walked the halls to the other side of the building. Having been cleared, he knew there were no Marshals there and he could cross the building unseen. The hospital staff was alarmed but more so confused as to them a doctor was helping a patient walk through the hallways. After reaching the east stairwell, he descended to the ground floor exited through the side door.

There, Mickey's A/C Repair Van was waiting. They hopped in and Ashton sped up 24th St NW toward Tobias's warehouse.

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