Chapter 28

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The Oval Office


Vice President Johnson opened the door to the Chief of Staff's office. He offered the two Secret Service guards a nod thanking them for the escort across the locked down West Wing. After he closed the door, now alone in the dimly lit office, he picked up the phone. He punched a couple of buttons on the dial pad and a young voice answered on the other end.


"Yes, this is the Vice President, I'd like to speak to the President."

"Yes sir, one moment please." The Vice President scanned Marty Jacobs's pictures and degrees, hanging on the wall. He checked the door to ensure it was closed.

"Tom, how are you?" The President's voice was direct.

"Fine. Can I assume that this lockdown is related to the issue of Ezra Gonet?"

"Yes, you can," he answered gravely.

"He's targeted the White House, hasn't he?" From his many years in politics, the Vice President could connect the dots and portend how schemes would play out before they hatched.

"Yes, he has," the President affirmed.

"Obviously we need to try to keep this under wraps; we don't want to stir a panic. I'll keep telling everyone it's a routine lockdown, just a suspicious backpack outside the gate... the First Lady is here. Should I inform her of the situation?"

"No, not yet. I don't want her worrying about me down here."

"I will manage AMRIID. I already have them on alert, digging for anything they can on the bacteria. They are checking their inventory for any infectious diseases that cause coughing and seizures."

"Do you think it's likely they will have anything? Any treatment? Any cure?" Each question grew more desperate in the President's voice.

"I don't know... we have so many biological weapons there we won't be able to narrow it down until we have a full work up on the disease. The Spartans have a sample of the bacteria, correct?"

"Yes, they do." The President elevated his volume, hoping his Vice President had a plan.

"When they are done profiling the bacteria, please have them send me their findings and I will relay those to the AMRIID. I need the latest in case they altered the disease since it struck in the Congo." The Vice President was firm in his orders.

"You got it, Tom. I'll have them sent your way. Thank you and keep me posted."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Ashton find me a map of the city. If this attack is confined to the metro area we need to start tracking our progress. Seamus, the President has offered us as much support as we need but if a SWAT team flies in, I want to be right there with them. We need tactical gear. Find us some," Xander spoke swiftly to his colleagues. He knew he needed time to block out everything and digest the events of the day.

Ezra's words echoed in his head.

Don't you see Xander? All of this... the Fourth of July... the box... everything... all has led to this moment, and the next and the next...

The disease is lies, Xander – lies. We live a life of lies. Our government hides our identities and our service – our very existence is a lie. We don't even exist... As you know, Apollo is the God of light and knowledge, Xander. And this disease will show you the light that is why I have named it as such.

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