Chapter 3

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The White House

Washington, DC – 12 PM

Janet Powers walked at an urgent pace through the hallways of the White House. Being National Security Advisor, her office was on the opposite corner of the floor plan from the Oval Office. She a hung a right and passed the lobby – her mind, racing with the latest threat. Her physical frame stomped its way across the blue and white carpet. Having to earn everything as a black, inter-city kid growing, she had a confidence and candor to her that was unparalleled to any in the building. She had a wide nose, full lips and deep brown eyes that would stare down any terrorist in her way. She turned left, passing the mustard walls of the Roosevelt Room.

As she passed she caught the eye of Chief of Staff, Marty Jacobs who was meeting with a few congressmen. He had just pushed them for thirty minutes to endorse the president's latest initiative with his usual aggressive tactics. Powers cocked her head slightly with a grim expression.

Jacobs knew where she was headed and that he needed to follow.

"You have been Chief of Staff for three years... you've seen it. The President is not instilling the progressive reform he had promised to our party... I know you have to be among the dissenters of his across the aisle tactics... With a re-election run on the horizon, he's gonna need the party's support. Just do us the favor and put the birdy in his ear." The Congressman leveled with him. Jacobs stopped for a moment to consider the truth spoken, but quickly ended the meeting to the Congressmen's dismay.

"I am sorry gentlemen, but something has come up that needs my attention." He closed his day planner and ascended to his feet.

"Now Marty, I'll think about that solar deal – but you weren't as persuasive as I thought you would be...." The Congressman from Michigan commented, the others laughed as they rose out of their chairs. His eyes ran up and down the Chief of Staff before him. With a slick suit and shined shoes, Marty Jacobs had a full, strong frame, despite his short height, a pointing, large nose. His light red hair line settled in a small peninsular over his forehead. It resembled flames as it slicked back in the most suave way. Jacobs was known for his unctuous swagger – part salesmen, part broker. Jacobs's thin lips pursed at the Congressman.

"This was only our first date, Congressman... I haven't even tried to take you home yet..." The biting candor didn't settle well with the Congressman, but he laughed it off. Jacobs's eyes, however, glared an determination. He pivoted on his heel and left the Congressmen to see themselves out. The Chief of Staff exited the Roosevelt room and met Powers in the hall.

"How bad?" He asked in quick step toward the Oval Office.

"Pretty bad...." Powers responded as they entered the Oval Office.

Upon seeing his National Security Advisor and his Chief of Staff enter in such an urgent rush President George Hooper stood immediately. Hooper was tall and lean, graying from the stresses of the office. Shining from his gaunt face were his trademark baby blue eyes. Political commentators often quipped that it was those Sinatra blues that had won the female vote for his election.

President Hooper was a Georgia native, who was as close to a moderate as one could get, picking up Blue-Dog tendencies throughout his 25 year career in politics. Hooper was a nominal Democrat but to the dismay of those closest to him, especially Jacobs, his long time best friend and former law school roommate, he had begun to lean right on many of the crucial issues of his presidency.

He was forthright with his opinions and his allies and opponents alike trusted his word. He had become known for his unbiased prudence – never timid to speak his mind once he knew his stance on an issue, but always deliberate and rational in finding his stance.

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