Chapter 21

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The Situation Room


Xander's face displayed on the monitor in the Situation Room. Marty Jacobs, Janet Powers, Michelle Fernandez, Vice President Johnson, Colonel Jackson Hardy and President Hooper were all present at the conference table. Three new faces were seated down the table as well.

"Xander, we are here with the directors of our major intelligence agencies. This is NSA director Ben Deacon." The older man shifted in his seat to smooth out the press of his suit. His decorum resembled more of a Wall Street penthouse and less of a cyber underground.

"FBI Director John Fangold," the President continued the introductions. Fangold, also dressed in a slick suit, nodded his greeting toward the monitor. His black hair held in a firm pose above his handsome face – squared off by his wide jaw line.

"And, I'm sure you already know Mr. Peter Hunterson." The Director of the CIA featured sluggish accents, as his comb-over tragically failed to cover his balding scalp. The wrinkles crevassed in his cheeks exposed the blight of his life. He had a bulbous shape that stretched his dress shirt at the point of every button. He was worn out by his career, slowly withering toward a much-needed retirement.

"The ladies and gentlemen in this very room comprise the joint-task force that I have assembled to provide support for the impending crisis we have on our hands. We are here to aid the Spartans in finding the cure and containing the disease. We have all hands on deck for this one. They have been briefed and we are ready." President Hooper spoke loud toward the monitor.

"Yes Mr. President, thank you for the support," Xander affirmed.

"Now give us your update."

"We have just received the second clue, Mr. President," Xander briefed. The President turned to Hardy who grabbed a pen and a notepad, ready for the clue. Xander spoke it slowly.

To see your clue find us frozen in time

But where are we? Answer this ticking rhyme

Six deities guarding two sets of three

You must remember the truth shall make you free

"Mr. President, I am confident that this clue indicates a location in the DC metro area," Xander offered.

"Xander, what are you thinking?" the President asked him.

"We need to be fast on this one because this isn't the clue to the target. This is a clue to the clue, as indicated by the first line. There are a couple of mentions of time, which could speak to the timed nature of this game that Ezra is playing with us. It's the last two lines that are important. Six deities guarding two sets of three. I know that there is mythological art all over DC, I suspect this location will be marked by such artwork," he thought aloud, still processing the clue himself.

"I want constant updates, Xander, we will start brainstorming here, invoking the resources of our agencies. It is obvious to me that Ezra has not only targeted DC, but he has targeted you, Xander. You will have to run point on this, he has chosen you. If you aren't taking this personally yet, you damn well should." Hooper's tone elevated to its Commander-in-Chief status.

"Yes, Mr. President. We will keep you posted, as soon as we have something," Xander assured him.

"Good luck, Xander." Hooper clicked the feed dead and scrutinized the new task force before him. The room awaited his lead.

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