"I don't chase women Rox and I talk enough."

"Buttttt you chasing this one." She smiles as I roll my eyes annoyed. "You chasing this one hard because she hiding from you, she ain't come here all up your ass because you gave her a few gifts. And he probably don't you like you because you you know roughing up Miss Rose. And Miss Rose is her friend."

"Or she does like you and she's just can't say it Mom." Callie whispers now turning her body to face me. I look down and smile at her as Callie is the only one to see a side of me that only my children saw and no one else. "Shy people wanna say what they feel but it doesn't come out. It like gets stuck in your throat and it's hard."

"Fuck that! I backtrack she ain't shy. She just don't want your mean ass."

"Fuck you."

"BUT, I mean people change their minds. You just maybe gotta change you tactic. I mean what if she doesn't show tonight. You gonna hurt her?"


"Thennnn change your tactic. Stop fucking scaring her maybe then she will like your mean ass." She says getting and walking out as I let out a sigh for Roxy was the only person on earth I let talk to me like this as I feel Callie play with my fingers as I look down at her smiling.

"You're not mean Mom, just tough."

"Thanks babe." I wink at her and lean my head against the wall. It was true that Lena was different and I knew nothing about that kinda woman at all. Nothing at all as I wondered if what my father said about me was true; that romance and children were my weakness.



"Dinner? Lena you don't have a choice. You really, really don't. That was an order Lena." Wanda said as I sat back down on my bed feeling a headache come on.

"I'm not interested in her Wanda. I'm playing bingo with Miss Rose tonight and some of the other women. I'm not having dinner with her. No way."

"Lena, I told you from day one. Stef Foster picks who she wants. And, she wants you. Not for what she wants some other people for but she wants you wants you. And I told you she been giving you a tone of shit and it ain't for free. Plus, she's been real, real nice to you because as you know she ain't nice at all."

"And more of a reason for me not to go Wanda. I don't want anything to do with her and her Den. I don't like her." Feeling myself get upset I can only shake my head as I look back at Wand.

"There's a reason no one jumped you, or hurt you. She called her girls off you and this prison to leave you alone including the COs. You think it was by accident no one got you when were cleaning alone in them bathrooms. That was on purpose."

"What?" I ask confused.

"Like I told you she got alot of power and whatever the fuck she says goes. If she wanted you to get hurt you would have gotten hurt already. My second day here I got jumped. My third day here, I got cut, my forth day here some bitches stole my shit. I didn't get no pudding, I didn't get no magazines, no hair products, no nothing. You got a longer shower then anyone because she was in there with you. So, you better go and do whatever she asks."

"I'm not. I won't sleep with her."

"Lena, do you want to see your kid?"

"Of course."

"Do you want to see your mother and father?"

"Yes. But she can't stop that I mean...

"She can. She can stop it and you could end up in solitary, someone could plant some shit on you. You know how easy that is? You could get hurt and end up in the infirmary or transferred to another prison just for being friends with Miss Rose. That's how much control she has. So believe me it's easier to do what she says then to not."

Hard Time (Hard Time Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now