twenty eight

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I don't know how much time passes before I wake, but when I do it's to the loud yet distant sound of everyone yelling at one another. I can feel a cool body laying next to mine, his large hand is gently resting over the middle of my belly as he holds me to him, and I force my eyes to open as I feel his soft magic running through my veins. When my eyes finally open the world is nothing but a blur, but after a moment the blur fades away and I can see everything around me. The dark curtains that hang in front of the windows show no sort of light shining from outside, but that doesn't matter to me, I can still see the deep black blankets that cover me, I can see the deep blood red of the canopy that rests dangling around the bed, I can see the black of the walls and the deep red of the carpet, and when I turn my head to my right I can see Ices beautiful sleeping face as it rests on my shoulder.

I take in just how innocent he looks, the pure beauty that rests in his face, I take in the way he takes in a deep breath only to slowly let it out in a cool gust that gently brushes across my neck and jaw. After a moment I slowly lift my hand from the bed where it rests just beside my thigh, then I push my long fingers into his thick black hair and allow the strands to tangle around my fingers. He leans into my touch with a purr like sound that he's always given when I have done this, and a small smile forms on my face from how adorable he is. "Mom?" His deep voice is low but so soft that it sounds as soft as this bed feels, and I can hear the sleepiness within it as the word drags out. "I missed you mama."

My movements are slow as I turn in the bed so that I face him, I force away all of the pain that threatens to rip me apart and I gently brush my fingers through his thick hair. "I am right here Ice." He lets out a soft sigh as he pulls his eyes open and allows the icy color of his eyes to meet mine as pain fills them.

"I thought you would never wake up, there was so much blood." He whispers and I shake my head as I pull him to me only to plant small kisses all over his face just as he does me and a beautiful laugh leaves his lips. I have missed that sound so much more than I ever thought I would.

"I had promised you when we first met that I would never leave you or Panic. I have always returned for you, and I always will." I can feel the relief flow from him as he hears those words and he gives me a soft smile.

"When we were in the cells we would always talk about you, wondering when you would find us, and how many people you would kill to get to us. Whenever the men beat us Panic would laugh and tell them that you would be there soon to kill each of them, and he was right, but it felt like forever and I missed you so much, we both missed you." He gently leans his head against my own and I brush his hair from his face as if falls back to block my view.

"Every single day that passed I missed both of you more and more until I felt like I was going to burst. I wanted to get to you, pull you to me, and never let you go again."

"You promise?" I smile and hold my pinky out to him.

"I pinky swear." A bright smile fills his face as he wraps his pinky around mine and kisses his thumb just as I do before we push them together, then he lets out a sigh and pushes himself off of the bed before he slowly pulls me up with him.

"Panic told me to take you downstairs as soon as you woke up. He said that you told him to leave the house, that something had happened, but the others had stopped him because of his rage. Then someone showed up now they are all fighting over the man and if Panic is allowed to leave or not."

"That sounds like something they'd do." He smiles as he nods then he follows me as I slowly walk out of the room. As soon as the door opens I'm met with a smell that makes my chest rip right open, but I push the pain away and ignore the intoxicating smell as I walk down the stairs. I don't get to far before Panics deep growl fills the house, and just by that sound I know he's close to letting his anger out.

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