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The room fills with growls of outrage and they all start yelling at me but I stay silent letting them allow their rage to fly. "Shut up!" Saxon shouts and everyone immediately freezes at the loud sound of his deep voice. I look at him to see his rage, but I also see his understanding. "What's the whole plan?"

"They have someone in the Guild working with them so they know that Saxon is with us, which means they will be expected to capture all eight of us, instead of just seven, which also means we will have to play a game." My eyes move to each of them reading their expressions and waiting for their questions.

"You are to torn up to do that right now." Nyx says.

"That's true, but I have a plan for that too. Saxon, as much as I hate it, is my mate meaning if I give the ok, he can take some of my pain from me, not all of it, and not to much of it, but enough to allow me to move on my own and fight."

"You would still be weak, someone would have to be near you at all times in case your body decides to give out, fighting will be hard, and we all know that their thoughts would be to jumbled and worried about you so they would not be at their top." Dako says and I nod.

"That's good. Whoever the mole is will know that I am hurting, I am going to go to school and let them see that I am just that, hurt and broken, they will tell their leader and they will attack whenever they can, it will be one group at a time because they will be fighting to get the prize. All we have to do is be prepared."

"So the plan is to attack from the inside?" Raven asks and I nod.

"I don't like it." Drake says and I groan as I start to nod and Dako cups my neck then lays my head on his shoulder as he pulls me into his lap.

"Neither does Justin, Cierra, or Cameron, but they all trust me, and you will just have to trust me too. We have gone to thousands of wars, I have planned thousands of ways to take out thousands of packs, rogues, and covens. I promise you I will get them out of this one just as I had gotten them out of all of the other missions." He stares at me, all of them do and all of them nod, their trust in me so strong that it makes me sigh with relief and pain. "When we are out we will send you all a message and meet you here when we are finished."

"Now that we know the plan all of you need to take showers and get ready to put the plan to action starting at school tomorrow and Shade needs some sleep." Dako says and everyone nods then stand to leave.

"Saxon and Reed, I need to speak with both of you." They look at me with worry just as the others do, but none of them question it as they kiss my forehead gently or squeeze my hand then leave.

"What's up? You ok?"Reed shuts his laptop, Saxons body tenses, and Dako moves to get up but I stop him by squeezing his hand so he sits back down.

"I need all of you to do something for me, you won't like it and you'll probably hate me for it, but you can't tell anyone."

After I had talked with Reed, Saxon, and Dako, Dako had helped me lay back down and told me to sleep as he took a shower. When he got out he laid with me in the bed and we talked about my plan until we both fell asleep, and now I am in the bathroom pulling my hair into a wet messy bun as I get ready for school.

Breathing is painful, but moving is excruciating and all I want to do is lay down and sleep, and from the looks on everyones faces they want the same thing, but not a single one of them says anything about it because they know I'll refuse to do anything they say. So instead Ashe grabs my bag and Reed let's me lean against him as we walk to the truck, once he helps me inside I groan and let my body slide down in the seat.

"Shade let me take the pain." Saxon is next to the truck and leaning in through the open window as soon as my groan leaves me, and I give him a pained glare. He stares at me, his eyes are soft but they shine brightly and I feel the others watching us, I feel their anger towards him and I feel the way Ashe is forcing himself not to kill him, but I can also feel their horror at me saying no to him and I clench my jaw. I growl as I let him in, I watch as he shivers at the feel of my emotions mixing with his own, then a sigh leaves my lips as he gently pulls as much of my pain from me as I allow him to. It is not a lot, only a quarter and a half of the pain, but even that is more than I thought he would be able to take and even that small of an amount makes me feel as if I can breathe easier. He moves away from my truck door only to move to the back of the truck and climb in with the others.

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