Chapter 1

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The announcer walked on stage clapping, "If you loved them, you'll love these next boys. Give it up for.." He looked at his clipboard, "The Rogue!" The crowd cheered as 5 boys walked on stage.

In general, they looked pretty comfortable on stage, except for the singer. I think he felt a little awkward, maybe he's not used to being on stage. I feel bad, if he doesn't loosen up, they have no chance.

"H-Hey everyone! We're The Rogue! I'm Louis, Louis Tomlinson.." He introduced the rest if the band before they started playing.

The drums started slowly, at first, setting the tempo for the song. The other instruments joined in soon after. The singer looked at his feet before grabbing the microphone stand and taking a deep breath. He started singing and my jaw dropped. His voice was perfect. I sat on an amp, backstage, closed my eyes and enjoyed the song.

My mate from my band, White Eskimo, sat next to me. He elbowed my side, "Harry, he's checking you out."

I opened my eyes and turned to him, "Who?"

"Him." He pointed to the singer of the band, that was up, "I think his name is Louis or something." I stared at Louis, what a pretty name for a pretty voice. "Whenever he gets the chance, he turns his head this way and he, uh, he smirks." I would definitely go for Louis, he's cute.

I'm not gay, or bisexual, or anything. I just don't care much about gender. If I get on with someone, then I get on with them, you can't help who you fall for.

"If I don't say this now, I will surely break.."

Look After You by The Fray. My favorite song. This boy is reading my mind. I look at the stage and he looks like he loosened up. He's sitting on the edge of the stage, he's really connecting with the audience. He looks directly into my eyes. I felt something I've never felt before. I grew shy and smiled as I turned away.

"These boys are gonna play another song, then you're up." The announcer flipped through the papers on his clipboard, "And you guys are..?"

"White Eskimo." I stood up from the amp. I straightened out my blazer and messed with my hair. I took a deep breath before going over a few lyrics.

I wasn't nervous to perform, I was nervous I would embarrass myself in front of Louis. Wow. I don't even know this guy and he's making my palms sweaty.

They finished their last song and enjoyed the cheers from the crowd. They walked off stage as the announcer walked on.

Louis walked up to me and fixed my collar, "I can't have you going out there with your collar out of wack." He winked at me as he walked past me.

He smelled like mint chocolate chip ice cream. I smiled as closed my eyes and enjoyed his scent.

"...White Eskimo"

"C'mon Harry, lets go!" I looked back at Louis as he winked once again, making my knees weak.

My mate pulled me on stage. The crowd was clapping. I looked around, then backstage, Louis was still there. He gave me a thumbs up before my mates started the song. I grabbed the microphone and started singing.


Well, isn't he cute? I'm guessing he thought I was weird. In his mind, he's probably like, 'Oh, he's such a fagget'. I'll admit I have a little bit of a crush on him, he's attractive, maybe a little young, but he's adorable.

His voice filled my ears, it was perfect. I honestly didn't believe that it was really him.

"C'mon Lou, we gotta go!" My mate pulled my arm. He looked into my eyes as I was being pulled away. His happy expression faded as I tried to mouth an apology. I just wanted to know his name.


I turned to backstage and Louis was gone. I'll never see him again. Fate gave me a chance and now it's taking it away. All I want to do is run off stage, but my mates would never forgive me. The crowd is loving us, I think we might actually have a shot at winning.

We finished our last song and the crowd went wild. We were pushed off stage into the crowd with the other bands.

"Did you all have a rocking time?!" The announcer ran on stage, "Cause I sure did!"

He went on to explain how it was based on crowd reaction. He would say the name of a band that competed and the crowd would cheer. Whoever had the loudest cheer, won. He named all of the opposing bands, then he got to Louis'.

"Okay, how about The Rogue?" A picture of the band showed on a projector, behind the announcer. The crowd went crazy, I helped, I wanted Lou to win. "What about White Eskimo?" They crowd went absolutely wild. I even saw someone with chestnut hair jumped around, ecstatically, Louis. "That's it, I think White Eskimo takes the prize!"

My mates and I ran on stage and grabbed our trophy. This isn't the first competition we've been in, just the first one we've won. We went crowd surfing, we were on top of the world.

I was pulled down and my head hit the floor. I stood up and looked around for my band mates, when someone smashed their lips into mine. They pulled away and my eyes fluttered open, Louis.

Against All Odds | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now