"Nate said your a size six. So I got some clothes. All you need to do is your hair and makeup. Think seductive powerful".

"Ok, I'll see you here". We hung up and I texted Josh the address.

"Seductive huh? I can do that".


Stop fucking talking!

Two day of nonstop negotiating had killed all my patients. I was almost to the point where I didn't want this port anymore. Valletta be damn. The only thing keeping from saying ,'fuck it' was Jennifer. But, this contact knew to much and wanted even more. If thing didn't start going my way James and Ross would have to take care of him.

I was staying at villa by the ocean. This son of bitch stormed off, saying he need a break.

No what you need is both legs broken.

Vvvvzzzzttt Vvvvvvzzzzztttt

Jennifer texted me.

Morning! Hows it doing? Any leeway yet?

I make have to kill him. So, at least a decision has been made.

Do you want Alejandro?

Alejandro had become Jennifer's go to guy. He wouldn't listen to a damn thing I said, but would jump for her. He was a loose cannon, but fucking great at his job. And if anything every happened to me again, Jennifer will have the best guard dog.

No, I have James and Ross.

If you say so..

If he doesn't come back soon. We'll take the port by force. Then we can continue our honeymoon.

Miss me ;D

More than you know.

I have something for you. But, you can't show anyone. So turn off the Brandon lock.



She sent me three pictures each sexier than than the last. They looked professionally done. The first one didn't have her eyes in it, but it damn sure had her body. She was standing on the terrace with the lake in the background, fog was everywhere. She had on a see through short robe and black lingerie that barely covered anything. It laced around her breast and stomach, begging to be ripped off.

The second one was her in one of my white button down shirt wearing one of my watches. She was laying back looking at the camera with her arms positioned around her head.

The last one was Jennifer standing against the house in a long black slik rode, tossing her hair and longingly smiling at the camera.

So which one do you like?

Who took these? And where do they live?

Don't be that way. Josh took them he's trying to win a photo contest. I was just the model. So which one?

Note to self: I'm going to have to track down the who's displaying them and buy them back. I know it's her body, but I don't want to share it with the world.

All of them.

Are you just telling me what I want to hear? I have one more.

She sent me a selfie with a cheerleader outfit on.


Now you just need to come home and take it off.

I walked to my bedroom and decided to lay down.

I Skyped called her.

"Hey, baby", She was taking a bubble bath by candle light. I loved how Jennifer could be sexy and adorable at the same time. "Still no luck with Valletta contact?"

"No, he'll cave eventually. So, I missed a photo shoot. Did I miss anything else?" I pulled up the first picture again.

"Nothing I couldn't handle. It's just so quiet with no one here. I miss you, and it's only been two days. I don't know how I'm going to last when I go back to school".

"You'll be busy with school. Then, I'll have to rely on these pictures a lot more". I looked closer at the picture. Was that a person, in the background? There was a lot of fog, but that black dot could be a person.

I sat up,"Love, what did mean by," nothing I couldn't handle?" I look for any signs of distress in her face.

"Nothing", was someone making her say that? She was acting normal. "Just finish up there and come home. Stay calm and focus".

She was rushing me off the phone," Jennifer are you..." I could flat out ask, if someone had gun on her.

"Am I what", she said.

"Do you remember the basement? And how we had that rat problem you took care of", I said choosing my words carefully.

"Yes, where are going with that?" She said.

"We wouldn't happen to have another infestation?" I said. She took three of the prescription pills Dr.Pellegrini had prescribed to her. She chased it down with a glass of wine.

Is that safe?

"No, we need an electrician. The lights went off last night. The fuse box needs to be flipped. Or someone didn't play the bill", she said joking. I should take that as everything is okay but ever since I woke up she's developed a very dark sense of humor.

Something was off with her. Maybe she was drunk?

At ten in the morning?

There was no time difference for us.

"I'm fine, baby".

"AAAAA HELP! THIS CRAZY BITCH--,"someone yelled.

"Got to go! I love you! Bye", she said quickly.

"Jennifer, JENNIFER! Love?" She ended the call.

What the fuck was that?!

I tried calling her back. Nothing. No one was close enough to help her. Anyone who could find the house, could do anything to her. Its so remote it would take the police at least an hour to reach her.


I jumped off the bed and when to find Ross and James,"One of you stays behind and gets free range with this contact. I don't care what you have to do make him cave and get me this port. I need to get back to Haven House, now!" I was walking out the door and Ross followed close behind me.

"Everything okay boss?" Ross asked, as we took the elevator down.

"It had better fucking be". If a single hair on her head was misplaced. I was going to scalp somebody. I kept calling and getting nothing.

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