Your Mess

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Chapter 38


This was supposed to be a fun night. A little drinking, dancing, supporting my best friend on his big night! What did I get? A love sick Leo, eight very angry houses and death stares from Gamila.

"We need more more supplies being sent to Egypt".

"When can we start seeing returns on on the diamond trade?"

"Are we negotiating with the Saudis?"

"Now that Gamila Crypt is back is she going to try and step into Sliske Crypt place".

A hundred and one questions were being thrown at me. Michael kept me updated on what Adam was doing, but I had no say in the matter anymore. This was Adams business.

Go ask Adam!

Addressing them all I announced," Gentlemen, please be patient with Adam. He is trying hard to keep everyone--"

"Mrs. Caffery he is fucking us out of a lot of money! He can't expect us to wait for him to catch up", Alex said.

"Exactly, we have moved away from him leadership and that old ways of doing things. We won't pay a tax to him", Don said.

O right, they were piss about a tax Adam had in place. Basically, if you wanted to do business with someone you had to get Adams permission. Permission normally cost 15% of the revenue. I didn't want to be bothered, so I just got rid of it. I made them feel like they didn't have to pay the tax. So when we met one-on-one they normally gave me a kick back more than 15%. Plus, not all of them did billion-dollar trades everyday, Adam was hurting the smaller businesses that have a higher frequency of trading.

"What happened with Sliske Crypt's storage? The SOB is going to keep all the profits! When it was my men, who pushed us into Croatia", Illya said.

Adam probably was going to keep all of the profits. I was going to share them, because this truly was a team effort. Collaboration was the only reason we made it this far. Plus, it really didn't cost us anything to get the storage house. This would be a good way to keep the houses loyal and happy. It was only a 5% cut but they still wanted it.

"We wont stand for it!" Viny said.

"He may have to fall back into a coma," Rix said,"You say the word. And it will be done".

Jesus Christ.

"Enough!" I yelled," Don't you ever make a threat to my husband or this house. Bellefonte's tried that and look what good it did them. Remember your place gentlemen. We are all adapting to my husband's return. I need your assurances that you will remain faithful and loyal". They all shook their heads and agreed yes.

"Now there is a office two floors up room 431. We will meet there in 20 minutes to discuss the problems we're running into. We will do so in a civilized manner. Go". They dispersed.


I went and got Michael he was completely enamored with Sara. But, understood we needed to fix this now. He ran upstair to start smoothing things out. I found Rodger next. Then, when and got Liam, Thomas and Alejandro. I was battle ready again.

Lastly, I found Adam at a table looking like he just wanted it all to end with Gamila.

"We have a problem you need to come upstairs", I said lowly.

Adams interest was peaked,"What happen?"

"He's not going anywhere with you. How desperate are you?" Gamila said nastily.

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