I Have a Plan

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Chapter 12


"You have so much more fight in you", Adams voice said fading out.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw a doctor? And I screamed.

They are harvesting my organs!

I fell off of a table? No, a gurney. I was in a cargo plane, but this was bigger. In a plastic bubble?

The doctor stayed on his side of the gurney, looking down at me and removing his surgical mask he said,"Mrs. Caffery, please clam down your safe. I'm Dr. Carr", pointing up he said,"And those are my associate's; Dr. Peter, Dr. Simmons, Dr. Mill and Dr. Cole. We are here to help you. We are apart of Team Hermes". I saw the other doctors crowded on a different level. Bright fluorescent lights, blinded me I turned my attention back to Dr. Carr.

"Where's Michael!? Where are we?" I looked around and saw Michael's security team, and a row of Humvees. We were in a cargo plane just like the one I crashed in the ocean but this one was huge.

"Please, let me treat you". He motioned for me to lay back on the gurney. I did. "Thank you", Dr. Carr said. I looked down at myself and saw he cut my shirt open and ripped one of my pant legs off.

"What happened?" I asked Dr. Carr. He was picking glass out of my leg. I had a long jagged cut from my hip down to my calf.

"They pulled you out of a car. When you didn't show up again in Culiacán. The rescue team was deployed, they followed your GPS tracker and found you in a car".

"That was me driving", I said.

"They had no way of knowing that, all that we knew was, you both were moving fast and the rescue team had to act fast".

"So, you blew us up!" I said yelling at him.

"Extracted, would be a better word." He said

Extracted, my ass you blew us up!

"Where's Michael?" I said horsely. My throat was killing me.

"He's in surgery above us, it's been touch and miss. He'll pull through, after a long recovery period. You on the other hand will need a few more stitches on your leg. There will be some discomfort when you walk, but it will fade as the leg gets stronger".

"Where are we?" I asked next.

He look to a monitor and then said," Just over Guimbalete, heading into Chihuahua. Our final stop will be in El Paso state side",  he said continuing to patch up my leg.

Then what? Where can we go? Someone is deliberately targeting the Caffrey's. This is a coup. Someone is trying to usurp us. I have to get back to Adam, but I need to protect Michael too. And, what about Brandon? I don't know what to do.

What do I do?

Rodger voice echoed in my head,"The message will have to be clear". He told me that when I was having my panic attack.

Without Brandon, Michael or Adam I'm completely defenseless.

"No your not, you know what needs to be done. But, can you handle getting that kind of dirty, love", Adam was standing above me.

I shouted to Dr. Carr," I'm having a real problem with hallucinations, Doc. I don't know if it's the trauma or the blood loss but I need---" I cut myself off and sat up straight.

I have an idea.

"Do you know anything about the other brothers: Adam and Brandon?" I asked him.

"No, I don't. I'm sorry, we have been in Culiacán with limited outside connects", Dr. Carr said. "Hey, you need to rest, where are you going? Mrs. Caffery? Mrs. Caffery?!" I don't have time to be hurt. As soon as we land someone could be waiting for us with a bomb or bullet. I grabbed a coat on my way out of the medical bubble. I walked into to the main part of the hanger and stood at the rail.  Looking over the rail I saw there was at least 60 men below.

"Hey! Who's in charge here!" I yelled down to the men.

"I'm team leader, ma'am". A man in the back of the hanger said. I walked with a slight limp thought the crowd of men.

I stood in front of him. He was 6'3, young in his early 20's build with all muscles, buzz cut blond hair with sharp facial features. I introduce myself and he did the same. His name was Liam.

"I'll be frank with you, I know you're used to Michael and the way he runs things. There is an imminent threat to us. I know I have no right to ask this, but I have to. Someone is targeting the Caffrey house, I don't know who and I don't know why. But, I do know my husband was attacked, his brother, Brandon, was attacked and now Michael is fighting for his life. They are picking us off one by one". I had a crowd of men watching me intensely. "This threat is not going away, it is not something we can just walk away from. When we get to El Paso I can guarantee you we will end up like the first team tonight. You all have been loyal to Michael, you've saved our lives. And for that I'm eternally grateful, but I have to ask you to keep fighting for us. If we go back to Paris we die, if we go back to the United States we die", I paused. Realizing the severity of the situation.

"What do you want to do ma'am?" Liam asked.

"Tonight a gang mercenaries attacked us, they took out a contract planning to kill Michael. But they didn't, their leader Alejandro is only loyal to money. Whoever he accepted the contract from is the person we need to go after. I know you're thinking this isn't my war, this isn't my fight. All I can say to that is, it became your fight the moment you said yes to this job, to this house". I was speaking to the room now,"We have to go back and find out who is doing this. I'm asking all of you to risk your lives, mine too. Because, if we don't find out who is doing this we will all be dead. Stand by me. Help me. And I promise I won't forget this night. Whatever your want is, I swear to you, you will have it and more". There was doubt in the air. I couldn't blame them. I'm not a strategist. I'm just someone who's desperate enough to try.

"I've been loyal to your husband my entire adult life, I don't plan on stopping now ma'am", Liam said.

"Thank you," I said to Liam."Anyone, else?"

"If I'm with you ma'am so are they", Liam said.

"I appreciate that, truly I do. But, every man in here is taking a risk. I want them to decide, for themselves." Looking around I said,"Who else can I count on?"

A few moments of silence hung in the air. My heart was going to burst out of my chest. I laid everything out on the table. No secrets.

"I will, ma'am. Me too. I. Me. Yes." Filled the room. They were with me," Lets fuck, them up!" Someone yelled.

"Thank you. Thank you." I said to the room.

Speaking to Liam I said,"I have a plan".

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