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Chapter 27


"Take her to the car," a man picked up Jennifer and she started to kicked and screamed. The women had a southern accent.

"Bitch!" Nate yelled running after her. I stood with Michael trying to push through the wall of men.

"Take, Nathaniel too", the woman said in complete control. They grabbed him too.

Mrs. Price walked slow to us. She came with an army. Where was our army? Where was everyone!

She stopped in front of me, I pushed Michael behind me fearing she was going to shoot us,"Well, well it's nice to finally meet you, Mr. Caffery and you too, Mr. Caffery". She extended her hand for a handshake. I did not accept.

"So cold to your in-laws? My, my, we're going to have to work on that. Manners". She walked pass me to the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of wine.

"Sit them down", she commanded. Roughly, we were forced down in to chairs.

"I was expecting, more of a fight. Gentlemen, but this works too", She poured Michael and I a glass. Then sat opposite of us. Slipping her own glass she said,"Rheingau wine still as cheap as ever. You boys need a more refined palate". Tapping her French tip nail on the table she continued,"So the Cafferys are still just pusher and pedlars. It's pathetic really", She laughed sarcastically.

"Who are you?" Michael said.

"Family. I believe you're Michael Caffery? And you are Adam Caffery", talking to me she said,"I have got to tell you, you've got balls kid", she lit a cigarette and continued,"Going after my granddaughter and making her marry you. You have signed your death warrant".

"Where are you taking my wife, Mrs. Prices? Where ever you do I can to and if you stand in the way of whats mine. I will murder you, I have no problems making this violent".

A twisted smile came to her face,"Mr. Caffery, I am a black women from the south, all I know is violence. I have three precious things in this world. I've already lost one, I don't plan on losing another. Do not come after Jennifer, do not try and contact her. Remember your place in the world and respect hers". She got up to leave.

"That will never happen, Mrs. Prices. You are in my territory. I could have you hanged from the Eiffel Tower. No one would blink. If you take my wife away I'll make it my mission in life to destroy you". I meant every word of that. I've missed to much time with Jennifer. I have let her down in so many ways and it stops now. To hell with this empire, I would burn it all down for her.

Speaking up Michael said," Like you said we're family. We have no intentions of hurting Jennifer or Nate. She lives here freely, under no distress. I assure you, your granddaughter is well cared for, loved and being give the best possible life".

"The best?" Mrs. Price said critically.

"Yes, you know our standing in the world. But, unfortunately we're not familiar with yours".

Smiling she said,"I plan to keep it that way".

"Grandma!" Jennifer ran back into the room.

"Mrs. Price! Please, listen to us", Nate shouted being stopped by the entrance by her guards. She motioned for them to let Nate through.

"Speak, both of you. Jennifer first, go."

"Nate just told me I hit my head and I forgot a bunch of stuff. I'm married and one of them is my husband. See?" Jennifer held up her ring finger. "This isn't like Mommy and Daddy its--"

"A million times worse", Nate said," But, Adam loves her. She loves him". Looking at Jennifer he said," I was trying to protect you from those headaches. But, you need to hear everything. Everyone does". Nate launched into what had happen to me, how Jennifer took control of the business and how she took care of all of us.

"So my amnesia stricken granddaughter is in charge of a drug empire?"

"Head hurts", she coughed and didn't stop. She held her neck.

"Baby girl?" Mrs. Price said standing," Whats hurting? Tell me and I'll make it stop".

I stood and walked to her, their guns were ready to fire, but I didn't care.

"Love?" I said.

She coughed blood onto Mrs. Price white suit.

"I... can't.... breathe", she struggle to say. I rushed to her side. Her neck bandage was bleeding.

Screaming Mrs. Price said," GET ME A MEDIC!"

I turned Jennifer over so she wouldn't choke to death and yelled to Michael to call Dr. Pellegrini. Nate was next to me pulling her hair back and holding the bloody bandage tight to her neck. Three men ran in and started to work on her. They cleared the room.

Once again I was helpless to help her

As I walked out, something poked me in the neck.

Not again, this has to be  how Jennifer felt the first night she got here.

"I'm coming willingly", I heard Nate say. Nate's voice was the last thing I heard before darkness consumed to me.

Power (The Drug Lord's Wife #2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant