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Chapter 3


Celine came out onto the stage and stood at a podium the room erupted in applause. Smiling she addressed her guests, "Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs, thank you for joining us for the 17th annual Charity Ball. Tonight we are here to raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation, a charity that is very dear to my heart..."

Michael leaned over to me and said, "Do you know when we're supposed to go up? Like, I think we're supposed to lineup, but I wasn't a hundred percent paying attention."

"Sssshhhhh", Kairi said quietly," Nana is talking".

Michael held one finger up to her and looked back to me, "I figured Celine would call us to the stage when she wants us." I whispered into his ear.

"Want to make this interesting", Michael said with a glint in his eyes.

Curious about the possible mischief I said, "I'm listening?"

"If I get a higher price than you, you have to give me Sara's number and put in a good word for me"?

I had forgotten Michael was smitten with Sara. I think it's because she's the only one that could match him Tit for Tat. They had Skype'd a couple times, but Sara never gave him her number. Who am I to stand in the way of true love? Sara is always funny with her relationships; she plays hard to get, but then misses her opportunity when she lets it go on for too long. .

"What do I get if I win?" I said fanning myself with one of the auction fans.

Pacifying me he said, "Please, that would never happen but in the outlandish chance it does; what do you want?"

Leaning on closer to him so Adam couldn't hear I blankly said, "I want to see you do one of your shipment runs."

His smile disappeared, "You know Adam would kill me if he found out or knock me out like he did Brandon. Why do you even want to see?"

"Does it even matter? How badly do you want Sara's number?"

I pulled away from his ear and I saw him debating with himself. I waited seeing if he would crack. After a few minutes later he said, "Deal", looking serious. He leaned back in his chair and laughed, "You're not going to win anyway so, I'm not really risking anything".

"We'll see about that", I said leaning back unto Adam's arms.

We continued to listen to Celine's speech. She's was a great public speaker but my mind was elsewhere. Adam had shown me a glimpse into his everyday life the white collar part. The real business was everything Michael did like finding new customers, finding new suppliers and setting up shop houses. He was the person that made sure; everything went smoothly for big deliveries. When I looked at Michael I don't see calm, cool and collective, so I was curious how he actually pulled off his job.

Curiosity killed the cat.

Celine finished her speech and there was heavy applause. The curator bought out the first piece to be auctioned off was a bottle of wine.

Celine announced to the room, "This is quite possibly one of the best wines ever made, a red bordeaux, 1990 Latour. Let's start the bidding at $1,000." And with that the room turned into the most passive-aggressive pack of animals I've ever seen. With each man and woman trying to outdo one another the bottle ended up going for $15,500.

My phone vibrated and I saw what only could be Adams doing. He put five million dollars into my account; beyond shocked I turned to him.

"How do you even have my bank account information?" I whispered to him. Answering my own question I said, "Brandon! Adam, take it back! We're here to help raise money not spend it".

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