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Chapter 24


Thanksgiving came and went and Christmas was just as fast. I normally love the holidays, all the cheer and happiness. But, I was just missing Adam. Nate did eventually talk to Josh about marriage. It was just going to take some time, it's best not to rush into things. That's how divorces happen.

In a way we were all stuck in a rut, waiting for Adam and Brandon. Michael is getting stronger now that he was actually trying physical therapy. He and Sara actually went on a couple dates. She truly did do him a world of good. By March he didn't need the cane anymore and there was no pain. He was getting back to himself. By April, he was back in full force. He started helping Nate do his old job of finding new customers and making sure the day today ran smoothly.

Even Brandon was able to talk a little. Nate and I enrolled Kairi into one of the best private schools in Paris in January. Even though she had been there for four months she was still worried every time we dropped her off for school. From afar me and Nate watched her talk to her peers, walk to class and sit in her desk. We stayed until the teacher started class just outside the door. Close but still removed enough. Going to school was slowly becoming her new favorite thing. It should be for all the money we threw at the school a new library, new computers and tablets an updated Auditorium and just flat-out writing checks, we should get the best.

I made Danielle apply to some colleges, I promised her we would go look at them during the summer. I think she was up to 24 schools now. Hopefully, she got into all of them.

Alejandro had hunted down almost everyone in the Bellefonte house, all that was left was Jason. He was hiding somewhere in Afghanistan.

I still sat with Adam everyday. If I didn't have work I just read him a book. I was finishing up The Great Gatsby, one of the first editions Adam had in his office when Celine walked in.

“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” I finished the book and put it down.

"That was his favorite book", Celine said coming into the room and kissing Adams forehead melancholy she said," I remember when he first asked for it. He said,' Mom, I want this book in hardback. It's the only book this year I've liked in school'. Adam wasn't much of a reader, so I found a collector who had a first edition. I had no idea he kept it". Celine picked up the book and opened the cover smiling warmly," I had his name printed in gold right here". She read the inside cover,"For my beloved Son, Adam Fitzgerald Caffery". She was on the edge of tears. I when around the bed to hug her. I knew she was feeling lost, Brandon and Michael were making progress, but Adam stayed the same. I know I was feeling lost.

Pulling back from my hug she wiped away her tears and clearing her throat she said,"That's not why I came in here. Since, your birthday is on the 15th I was thinking we could throw a party. We wouldn't even be going anywhere it would be downstairs in the ballroom. I don't know how else to thank you for everything you've done. For being there for my boys, with Kairi. It's not gone unnoticed". She handed the book back to me and said,"Let me plan something special, I know Adam would if he could".

"Ok, why not. I've seen the kind of parties you've thrown, they are truly legendary. Thank you". Happy with that answer Celine left the room.

Looking down at Adam I said,"You need a shave, baby", I said out load to no one. I wet his face and put the shaving cream on. The first couple of times I was too freaked out that I would knick something and hurt him, but now I had this down to a science.

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