Julian Baker [4]

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Julian when he sees you the morning after you two met and you flirted with him at a club.


You were one of Haley's best friends in school, so of course you came out for Jamie's 7th birthday. You're and Jamie were sharing a piece of cake, when you looked up and saw the guy from last night, that you had tried to flirt with because your friends dared you to, because they told you that you need to branch out. You weren't even going to acknowledge him, because you had made a complete fool out of yourself that night, until he started to walk over towards you and Jamie.

"Hey Jamie happy birthday buddy." Jamie took the present from Julian and ran off so he could show his parents, leaving you and Julian alone together. Julian turned towards you smirking, "You must really want to get my attention if you took your time to find out where I am." "Don't flatter yourself; Haley's my best friend. But you are right, I did try to get your attention last night. Did it work?" "Well I'm here talking to you aren't I?" "I just figured you came over here for the cake; I mean that's why I'm over here." "Well there's that too," he laughed.

After a few more minutes of small talk, you two decided to leave Jamie's party early so you guys could go somewhere to get to know each other better. And from there it was the start of something special, that years later you would have to thank Jamie for bringing you two 'back' together in a way.

Okay so when it was time for a Julian imagine, I realized I didn't have any Julian gifs in my drafts. So it's currently 3:30 a.m and I just finished gushing over how cute and adorable Julian is in all the gifs I found. Like honestly I'm having major Julian feels right now.
Also I wanted to be accurate and it took me FOREVER to figure out that gif was from Jamie's party, like I'm so proud of myself. Also this sucks lmao bye.

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