Quinn James [4]

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Knowing that Quinn is with Clay now, but still admitting your feelings to her

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Knowing that Quinn is with Clay now, but still admitting your feelings to her. 


You and Quinn had a thing in the past, but neither of you had every really taken that extra step. For Quinn, she was terrified of these new feelings and she wasn't sure if they were real or if you were just a rebound from her failed marriage. For you, you always denied that those feelings were anymore than a passing feeling. Once things started to get a little more serious between you two, you decided to pull back. But when that didn't work, you decided to completely move away from her and Tree Hill.

When you came back a year later, Quinn had moved onto Clay, and they had settled down together. You hadn't known about them until you saw the two of them walking down the streets of Tree Hill. When you saw them all those old feelings came back and hit you like a truck. It was in that moment, as you watched Quinn and Clay walked down the street, that you realized all those feelings you had were something true. 


After seeing Quinn on the street you knew you had to see her again, so after looking up Haley and finding out where Quinn was from her, you headed over to her shared house with Clay. "Oh my gosh Y/N."  "Hi Quinn, how are you?" "How am I? Well let's see we have a year to catch up on ever since you left without saying goodbye." "I've seen you around town a few times with a guy. Is he your new boyfriend?" "Yeah, we've been together for about six months now. He was there for me when others weren't." You sighed never having realized how hurt Quinn was when you left her without saying goodbye. 

Things were silent for a minute before Quinn decided to break the silence. "So why'd you leave? Was I just your experiment before you figured out what you wanted? Obviously it wasn't me." Tears had already started to fall down Quinn's face, as tears started to well up in yours. "Obviously it was a good thing that I left. You and that boy seem very happy. Every time I look at you looking at him, I can't help but think that if I had made the first move, that would have been us. If I wouldn't have been too scared to admit my feelings for you, maybe that could have been us walking down the streets of Tree Hill." A tear fell down Quinn's face as she took in everything you were saying, "Well it's too late. I'm in love with Clay, and he loves me. He's not confused and neither am I." "I love you Quinn," "Goodbye Y/N." 


Okay this is so long but there was no way to keep it short so I really hope you guys like it, it took a while for me to figure out what to do with this gif/imagine. This sucks though, like I feel like it's a rambling mess, but my next imagine is a Clay one that I love so stay tuned.

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