Lucas Scott [6]

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Meeting Lucas for the first time

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Meeting Lucas for the first time.


You had just moved to Tree Hill and your parents had told you that you would be starting at a new high school. Principal Turner was currently walking you through the halls of Tree Hill High, showing you around during the after school hours. "Locker number 238, this is you!" "Wow, prime real estate," you joked when you noticed the locker rooms were right by your locker.

"And this is the boys locker room, and the girl's is down the hall." You went to make another comment when you noticed a cute guy walk out of the boys locker room. He was completely naked, the only thing saving him from showing you and the principal his goods was the basketball covering his junk, and the basketball covering his butt. "I'm not even going to ask," Principal Turner muttered as he continued down the hall as you trailed behind him.

"My name's Y/N," you told the cute boy when you noticed him shying away from your eyes, feeling insanely awkward at the situation. "Lucas," he awkwardly smiled as you let out a small giggle before following after Principal Turner, with a newfound confidence that you were going to enjoy your new school.

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