Jake Jagielski [3]

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Jake when you break up with him

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Jake when you break up with him.


You and Jake had been going strong for 6 months, but then things started to get rocky. Nikki was back in the picture and it was getting harder to see him, with his new full time role as dad. It was taking a toll on both of you, and you couldn't take it any longer.

"You know I love you Jake," "Well I like how this is starting," he smiled at you. "But I think at this time, it would be better if we went back to being just friends." "But I don't understand! We've been doing so good," "Not since Nikki came back. And I think it'd be best for you to focus on Jenny right now. I'll still be around, I just think we shouldn't be attached right now, while you're working through this." He looked at you with those eyes that made you melt.

"I'm sorry Jake." "It's okay, I understand." "So friends?" "Friends," he smiled.

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