Chapter 17

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~Pans POV~

"You really think they took her to Swan Lake?"

"Regina it's not too far of a stretch, that is where she was most likely born and it is where Rothbart took her mother."

After Snow White spoke I turned to see Emma looking skeptical. She needs to trust me.

"Suppose we listen to you. How do we know you won't just trick us like you did in Neverland."

This woman is killing me.

"Because, if you haven't noticed her necklace is around my neck, I have her knife, and Rothbart sent both to me not you!"

She nodded her head and I sighed in relief.

"Okay so what's our plan?"

"Well, Hook is there anyplace here that has a map of the kingdom she's from?"

~Melanie's POV~

Where am I?

I groaned and sat up and saw that the moon was high in the sky and I was in a forested place and I was laying on a brick ground next to a lake. I looked at myself and saw that I was in a dress with semi long sleeves with a corset like thing wrapping around me and was a pale green with yellow string. Plus my hair was now swept to the side and my hair was curled.

"What the hell?"

"Ahh your awake."

I spun around and saw Felix leaning against a tree with a sword at his waist. I went to grab my knife and realized my belt was not on this dress. Damn it!

"And you look even more beautiful than ever."

He took a step towards me and I backed up and kept my eyes on him.

"Where am I?!"

"Oh, you're in Swan Lake princess."

I turned around once again and saw Rothbart standing behind me.

"Looks like the stories come full circle, I took your mother and brought her here. Now my son, with my help has brought you here and he's going to have fun with you."

My eyes widen and I knew what he was talking about so I ran, which was very hard in a dress. So I picked up some of the skirt and ran into the woods.

"You can't hide from us little princess."

I pushed myself to keep running as far as I could. I climbed over a log and kept running until part of my dress was caught.


I began to tug on my dress and found that the tree tightened its grip. What the hell!

I was almost done ripping the dress when I felt two arms wrap around my waist and threw me over their shoulder. I began to kick and punch this persons back.

"Let me go!"

"Not happening. You need to learn your place."

After he said this he threw me onto the ground I landed and kicked his shin then got up and began to run again I was not able to make it two feet when I was caught again by vines. This time these vines brought me back to where I previously was and it pinned me to the ground. It then worked it's way from my torso to my wrists and ankles. Then ends of the vines attached themselves to boulders near by. I looked away from the vines and saw Felix leering at me. He then kneeled down next to me and stared into my eyes. I could see lust in those cold dark eyes and I could feel my hair stand on end. His eyes flickered to my lips and he slowly lifted his hand toward my face. I shut my eyes and turned my head away from him.

"Look at me my beauty."

I felt the back of his rough hands caress the side of my face and I did not turn my head. So he grabbed my chin and roughly jerked my head back towards himself.

"Open Your Eyes!"

I let out a small shaky breath and slowly opened my eyes to once again be met with his cold eyes.

"Ah, there's those beautiful ocean blue eyes."

He then lifted the hand that jerked my head and lowered his thumb onto my lips and slowly traced them. He then lifted his free hand and began to trace my body with his cold hand. He stopped when he got to my breasts and he brought his other hand away from my lips and brought it down next to his other hand. He traced my breasts with both hands and I trained my eyes on the sky and bit my lip so I would not let out a whimper. He then moved his left hand slowly down my stomach to where I have never been touched before and he held it in his hand. It took all I had to not let out a cry. I could feel him bring his hand back up and he put them both on the side of my head and straddled my waist.


He stood up and looked in the direction of the voice and so did I.

"You'll have plenty of time to play with her, after the wedding."


"Yes father."

"But you can still have some fun with her in the east wing of the castle my son."

He then disappeared in a puff of smoke and Felix came back to me and once again straddled my waist. I looked at him and let out a small shaky breath. I want to scream for help but I know no one will come. My family does not know where I am, and Peter does not know where I am. If I called for him this time he can't come. After I was done with that thought I saw Felix give me a smile that made me shiver. He saw this and his smile grew wider. Then he slowly lowered his lips to my ear and he used he rough hand to push my hair out of the way.

"Your mine now and forever."

I then felt the familiar sensation of sleep and I could see the darkness entering my vision. This time I did not fight it. I let the darkness consume me.

Fight of my life (OUAT Neverland) ( under revision )Where stories live. Discover now