Where the hell are we?

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I wake up with a jolt as I land hard onto the ground. I groan in pain then force my eyes open and push myself up to see sand all around me with the ocean in front of me and a dense forest behind myself. I look around and spot Henry just a little ways away from myself and run to him.


"Melanie you're okay." I drop to the ground and take his face in my hands and check him for cuts and bruises. I exhale a breath in relief since none are present on his pale face.

"Of course I'm okay I'm your big sister it takes more than me being knocked out and thrown through, what I assume was, a portal to hurt me Hen." I hug him close and whisper in his ear that I'm happy he's alright. I break our hug then reach down and pull out my knife and cut my brother loose and pull him to his feet as I stand. I sheath the knife Gold gave me and then spot both adults running full speed towards Henry and me. Fuck!!

"Henry into the forest. Now!"

I push him in front of me and we nearly make it to the tree line when I see Greg tackle my brother to the ground. I pull out my knife ready to throw but hesitate when he holds his own knife to Henry's throat.

"Stop you wouldn't want Henry to get hurt, Melanie." Greg spits out as he tightens his grip on my little brother. I look to my young brother and reluctantly put my knife back.

"Good choice." Greg says as he puts his own knife away but tightens his firm hold on Henry. Tamara then grabs my arm and they begin to drag us through the dense forest. I look over to Henry and keep telling myself over and over that our family is coming for us. We always find one another but there's one problem. How can they find us if we don't know where the fuck we are?!


I look at my surroundings and trees are literally everywhere, but I'm not complaining. If we need to make a speedy getaway I and Henry can climb a tree.

Anyway, I continue to move my purple eyes about and look up to the sky that is peeking out between spots in the canopy. I close my eyes and instinctively lay my fingers on my locket thinking of my mom.

"My love for you is as constant as the stars above."

I release a gentle sigh as the words ring through my head. I peel my eyes open and look to the sky again and continue to gaze at the sparsely lit night sky.

Fight of my life (OUAT Neverland) ( under revision )Where stories live. Discover now