Chapter 7

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I stood my ground. I stared at Felix. I saw a familiar cold glint in his icy eyes. I was afraid, not for Henry but for myself because somewhere inside me I knew I couldn't win this fight. But I would try like hell to do so. I remembered all of the training I had with David on sword fighting. I did what he said wait for my opponent to strike first and play defense until I have them figured out.

"What are you gonna do Melanie! Just stand there and point that sword at me!"

I just ignored him. I was watching his foot movements as he walked closer to me and I studied how he carried himself. I wanted to attack first but I knew I couldn't, I had to remember what he taught me, stand my ground, let my opponent make the first strike. Felix lowered his club from his shoulders and held it in his hands. He looked behind him and smiled then ran at me with the club coming down over his head I dodged him and stuck my foot out. He tripped on my foot and landed face first in a tree. I wanted to laugh so hard but I knew that if I started laughing I wouldn't be able to stop and I would drop my guard. He turned around and stood up I could see scarlet blood trickling from his red stained mouth. I saw his once dark cold eyes turn to pure flaming anger.

"You'll pay for that girl!"

He started to run towards me again with his club in hand. I saw only one option. I threw the sword in my hand behind him and slid through his legs. As soon as I was clear of him I bounced onto my feet and ran for the sword, I picked it up and pointed it back at him. I saw the fire in his eyes get bigger. I became scared. My heart was beating so hard that I thought it would jump out of my chest.

"Fight little girl!!!!"


What was Mel doing? She just stood there just holding her sword at him and just stared into his eyes. Why wasn't my big sis fighting?

"Fight little girl!!!!"

I saw my big sisters soft blue eyes turn into balls of ragging fire. Felix ran at her again but she didn't move she just stood there. Only when Felix's club came down on her again did she move she punched him in the gut, then kneed him in the crotch as well and cut up his arm with her sword. While he was still dazed she knocked him to the ground and held her sword at the back of his throat. My sisters eyes went back to its calm soft blue but she kept a straight face. Every one was quiet. All you could hear was the wind through the trees. And after that all anyone could hear next was a singular slow clap.


All I heard after the stiff silence of the lost boys and my brother, was a person clapping. I didn't take my eyes off of Felix until I heard his thick British accent.

"I didn't not know you could fight like that lass. Now could you please remove your sword from my lost boys neck."

I slowly turned around, I threw my sword to the side then slowly walked towards Pan.

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me Pied Piper."

I got closer and closer to him I could clearly see his piercing emerald green eyes and I could feel his breath on my skin. I kept my eyes locked with his. I only looked into his eyes. The silence in the air was defining.

"Never ever underestimate me Pan."

I then turned on my heels and walked back to the camp. While he chased after me.

"Hey I did not say you could leave Melanie!"

"I don't care Pan."

"Well you should because what you do decides what punishment you get."

I stopped in my tracks and turned to face him.

"What are you gonna do put me in a cage!"

"I think I will."

He flicked his wrist and then I was in a bamboo cage on the forest floor. I looked around to see if I saw anyone but I couldn't so I took this as my opportunity to attempt escape. I looked for the weakest part of the cage when I saw it I began to kick it. I kept kicking until it started to fall away from the rest of the cage. Then I went to the other side of that specific wall and withdrew my extra knife and began cutting, I was cutting for about 3 minutes when I was done that wall of the cage fell off completely. I crawled out and looked for a path back to the camp. When I found it I jogged back to the camp as fast as I could. I jogged for a good 10 minutes, on the path back to the camp.

"Where is my sister?"

I heard the familiar sound of my little brothers worried voice and ran towards it. When I reached the entrance to the camp I slowed down and walked into the camp to see Pan looking at my little brother about to respond when I spoke up.

"I'm right here Hen."

Fight of my life (OUAT Neverland) ( under revision )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora