Off to Neverland

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I'm looking down at my phone screen to see the last message my mother sent me. She told me to go home from the dinner and get all of my gear on minus my major weapons, and then to go to the mines to get Henry. Without question, I get up off of my bed and strap my weapons belt to my waist and pack a pair of my leather arm cuffs. As I finish I feel the ground shake, I could hear objects breaking downstairs, the pictures on my wall flew off and I could hear cracking of pavement. I immediately run to my window to see trees and vines sprouting out of the black pavement and the buildings along the road. Before I run out of my door to the chaos which is now the streets of my home town Story Brooke I look into my cracked full-length mirror and memories from the past year come rushing back.

My brother dragging me to Boston to find Emma, when Henry ate the apple turnover meant for Emma, Emma kissing Henry breaking the curse, learning the extent my mother would go for Henry and me, and getting another mother and two grandparents. I shed a tear as the memories rush through my head, I knew I had to leave to get Henry, but I also knew that my chances of being in the place that has given me my family again are slim. I wipe the single tear from my cheek and throw my phone onto my bed knowing I wouldn't need it.

I take one last look at my now disheveled room and think about all the memories I have then I run down the stairs. I practically fly down the giant stairs, when I reach the bottom I bolt for the front door. I rip open the heavy door to see people running frantically through the streets with boxes of items that were valuable to them. I want to stop and help these people get to whatever building wasn't broken by sprouting trees and vines. But I know I can't that's my families job, I mean they always save the day so I know they will solve this while Henry and I go to Grannies to help secure appliances and help sort out the people who have taken shelter there.

As I run through the town that I have grown up in I can't help but feel sadness growing inside my heart. This is my home and it's being torn apart.

I tear my head away from the chaos and focus on getting to my kid brother. Who 90% always gets into trouble which I have to bail him out of. As I approach the old mine I slow down my pace and begin to look around trying to spot a mop of brown hair.

I walk a little deeper in and begin to panic when I don't see him anywhere. Where is my brother?! My heart begins to beat rapidly in my chest as my anxiety heightens. I begin to rapidly move my head around when my amethyst eyes spot Tamara dragging my brother towards the docks. Fuck! First, she kills Neal now she's trying to take my brother, hell no!

I quickly turn and begin to sprint towards my brother and his father's killer. I run faster than I have ever run before and can feel the burning of my legs as I push myself farther and farther. The air in my lungs is almost gone as I keep racing towards the pair. The salt air begins to hit my nose and I begin to get closer to both of them and scream to my brother as I get closer. Hoping he hears me.


They stop and turn around to see me. I stop in my tracks my chest rapidly rising and falling trying to regain the oxygen my lines we're deprived of. And see my little brothers' hands zip-tied and Tamara gripping his upper arm extremely tight. I lock eyes with him and I see the fear in his chocolate orbs and feel a wave of red hot anger wash through me.


I open my mouth to reply when I feel the hairs on the back of my neck rise. I see Henry's brown eyes light up with extreme worry. I then feel an arm wrap around my body. I begin to thrash around as an attempt to escape. I toss my head back and feel it make contact with a nose. The arms let go of me and I turn to see Greg. I dodge him as he tries to grab me again but I'm too quick.

"Oh too slow."

He then tries to punch me and I slide behind him.

"Nice try."


I quickly turn and see Tamara dragging Henry again to the docks and the panic inside of me takes over as my adrenaline begins to flow through my body at full capacity.


I kick Greg in his side and rush towards Henry again when Greg grabs my upper arm and pulls me towards himself.

"Come here little brat!"

I begin to hit him with my spare hand and see him flinch but he just tightens his grip.

The grip he has on my arm is definitely gonna leave a bruise.

I see him grab out a syringe and my eyes become the size of saucers. I begin to hit harder but he quickly shoves the needle into my neck. He lets me go and I begin to get dizzy. My vision begins to get blurry as black begins to appear at the edge of my vision. I start to stumble and I slowly look around and can barely see Greg in front of myself.

My knees buckle and I begin to fall to the cracked pavement I catch my body with my hands before my head hits the ground. I slowly lift my face up to see Greg leaning down.

He looks to me menacingly then knocks my hands away resulting in my head hitting the pavement. My eyelids begin to become heavy and I try to fight it but I lose and the dark takes over.


I stand there helplessly as I watch my big sister's limp body getting picked up and slung over Greg's shoulder. Once Greg gets her situated on his shoulder he begins to walk towards Tamara as she resumes dragging me towards the docks. I try to fight against her but she just tightens her grip on my arm causing men to wince from the pain.

We get to the edge of the old wooden pier and she pushes me to the ground as she reaches into her pocket for something. I then watch as Greg sets my sister's body down and I crawl over to her and begin to shake her.

Wake up, please wake up Mel! I need you.

I hear something hit the water followed by a glowing light and I grab onto Melanie's hand with my zip-tied ones.


I look up and see our family racing towards us but before they can reach us I get thrown into the water with my older sister soon following. The portal quickly shut after our abductors entered cutting us off from our family.

Fight of my life (OUAT Neverland) ( under revision )Where stories live. Discover now