Chapter 10

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I didn't sleep again last night, I just stayed awake and watched over my brother and looked to the sky again. I can tell cobra is starting to loose faith that our family is coming for us, to be honest I am as well. I know my mother said that she will always find us but, I also know that Pan isn't going to let my brother and I go without a fight. But I need to keep hope alive in both of us like grandma and grandpa said to each other when they were younger "I will find you, I will always find you".


I look away from the sky in the direction I heard the voice, but I couldn't see a thing so I just ignored it and looked down to my brother and stroked his hair.


I look again and there he is Pan. Leaning against a tree with a smirk on his flawless face.

"What do you want ?"

He walked closer to me and kneeled down in front of Henry and I. Then opened his mouth.

"I wanted to talk to you and Henry."

"About what ?"

I looked directly into his eyes and lean forward ever so slightly so as not to wake Henry.

"Your training."

"We can talk about that in the morning Pan just not now okay ? Now can you go away!"

With that he got up and walked away not even arguing with me. Huh odd. I just shook it off and looked back to the sky, but when I look back up I see the sun peeking over the horizon. I look back to the ground and see the lost boys waking up and making breakfast. I lean down and whisper into my brothers ear to wake up. He opened his eyes and rubbed away the last bit of sleep from his eyes. He looked to me and flatly said.

"You didn't sleep again. Did you?"

"Damn it. Why do you know me so well Hen?"

"I've known you my whole life plus I also know that you are able to go 4 days without sleep."

"Both true. But let's drop the topic of my sleeping habits, and get you some breakfast."

I shoved my little brother off of me, stood up and walked away before he could say anything else.

About 4 hours after breakfast a bunch of lost boys were climbing ropes while a few others went hunting. I looked over and saw Hen on a bench by a little hut, I was about to go over to him when.

"Hey Melanie I bet a weak girl like you can't climb this rope."

I looked to this boy and smirked. I wanted to walk to Henry but I really wanted to show these idiots up. I looked over to Henry and he looked at me and nodded me to go on and show these idiots I'm not weak.


I walk over to the ropes stand at the base of one of the ropes and begin to climb I was half way up when I heard someone shout.


I look to the ground and see my little brother and a lost boy.

Fight of my life (OUAT Neverland) ( under revision )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt