Day One

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I never went to sleep that night. I didn't once close my eyes except to blink. I just gazed up at the stars for most of the night when I wasn't swiveling my head around camp. I have to admit the stars here are beautiful. I can see them better than the ones back home....home I found myself aching at points when I was looking at the stars for Story Brooke. For my family. But I took a deep breath grabbed onto my locket which I never took off and went back to one of the happiest memories I have of my mom.



"Yes sweetie."

"I don't want to go on the camping trip I wanna stay at home with you. I want to come to the office with you and help please mama don't make me go!"

"Oh my baby come here real quick."

I dropped my backpack and ran over to my mama and wrapped her in a hug. Then she spoke and knelt down when I pulled away.

"I want you to stay as well baby girl, but you have to do this besides you like the woods, you've been playing in them your whole life."

"I do like the woods and I do like playing in them. But if I go this weekend I'm going to miss you!"

"I'm going to miss you too sweetie."

"Then don't make me go!"

My mother looked at me with loving eyes and sighed as she place her hand on top of my tiny delicate shoulder.

"Sweetheart you know how the sky has stars?"

"Yeah......everyone knows the sky has stars mama."

I said proudly. My mama chuckled a bit after I said this.

"Yes my little one everyone does. But I want to tell you something my father told me when I was your age. No matter where you are. The sky is the same. I look at the same sun as you and the same stars as you my little one. So whenever you feel lonely or unloved for any reason always remember. Look to the sky because I see the same sun and stars as you. And always always remember that my love for you is as constant as the stars above and that I will always come for you my sweet child! And that nothing in this world can ever stop that!"

~End Flashback~

I was four then. I always look to the sky above when I feel lonely or unloved knowing that my mother is looking at the same sky and that her love for me is as constant as the stars above. And that she will always find me.

"Good morning love."

I look to the east side of camp to see the sky gradually getting brighter, night here was not as long as night back home. I look away from the sky to see Pan casually walk over to Hen and I with an apple and a crossbow in each hand. I gently wake Henry up and point to Pan. Pan then tosses an apple to me and I caught it with ease.

"We don't like apples." Henry said as he slowly sat up and rubbed away the last bit of sleep from his eyes.

"Who doesn't like apples?"

"It's a family thing." We said in unison.

"Well good thing this apple is not for eating."

He smirked and looked right at me locking his piercing emerald green eyes with my soft ocean blue eyes.

"Then what's it for?" I asked.

Fight of my life (OUAT Neverland) ( under revision )Where stories live. Discover now