Chapter 12 (Pan and Rumple are not related in this story BTW)

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After I screamed in pain from the bite Felix gave me I just stood there against the tree as he stuck his tongue in my mouth and as he traced my neck up and down kissing and biting me. As he continued his kisses came closer to my breasts and he bit me again just above them. It hurt so much, I hoped that Pan heard me. Felix's head comes up from my chest and he goes to the side of my face his lips centimeters away from my ear.

"You're mine princess."

Before he could do anything else he was torn away from me and I fell into someone's arms. I look up to see who tore me away from my nightmare and am meet with those blinding emerald eyes. His eyes were filled with worry and fear. I felt such relief when I felt his arms around me. He looked away from me in the direction he threw Felix in and I saw his eyes grow in anger. He looked down at me and waved his hand over my body. I was engulfed by green smoke. When it dissolved I was in Mary-Margaret's arms I smiled at her. I could see her eyes welling up with tears. I gently swiveled my head around to see David, Emma, Hook, Neal, Henry and Mom. Henry and David were looking at me worried and I just gave them a reassuring smile. I saw mom and Emma looking away from me towards something I move my head in the same direction and see Pan and Felix talking more like yelling at each other.

"Why Felix?! Why did you hurt her?!"

"Oh you don't get it do you. You see she is the daughter of King Derick and Queen Odette. She is very special and my father has been looking for her for many many years. Now that I and the shadow have found her it's time to take her to him."

As soon as he finished speaking Pan lunged at him. Pan was fighting hard and so was Felix. All I could do was watch. As I watched what was unfolding before my eyes I screamed in pain from the wound in my upper thigh. When I did this Pan turned to me as did my mom and everyone else. While he was distracted Felix flung Pan to the ground and I grew worried.


When I heard her scream I looked to her and saw that her blood began to pool around her leg on the ground. She was dying! He hit her artery Felix took this as his chance to knock me onto my back, but he didn't even touch me. Then it came to me he had magic.


I heard her scream this to me and I looked to him and I saw him manifest a ball of fire in his hands. How? How does he have magic and how has he kept this from me for so long?!

"My fathers Rothbart Pan. That name ring a bell."

As soon as I heard the name it was like ice water was poured down my back. Rothbart had a son!

"Magic does run in my family after all, plus you pick a few things up when all of the former Dark ones stop at your doorstep as you grow. I have learned many spells. Spells that even you don't know. Spells that can kill you in seconds. A spell that helped you find the boy. I had an inkling that he would be related to the current dark one, you're enemy. So I sent a tracking spell to the one who shared the dark ones DNA. Sadly Baelfire came up. I casted the spell once more after he left and it found Henry. It also found gorgeous Melanie. I had a feeling that she was the one that I have been looking for since her birth. I made sure that when you found those two people that you would give them orders to grab her as well. I needed to see if she was the one I have been searching for. Turns out she is. The fire inside of her is strong. She is a fighter, she is smart and even more gorgeous than the goddess of beauty. Plus you and her are falling in love. That's what sealed it. Now she is mine!"

He turned and began to walk towards her and froze her family in place.


Fight of my life (OUAT Neverland) ( under revision )Where stories live. Discover now