Chapter 15

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I have been home for a day and I miss Neverland in a way, I miss the amount of stars in the night sky, the smell of fresh pine, and the peaceful sounds of the night. Right now I'm in my room which my mom fixed with her magic while I was at Dr. Whales getting checked for any other injuries my family may of missed. I sighed as I looked about my room it was in-fact nice to be home and to have my family around me but I wished I had given Pan a proper goodbye.


I got up off of my bed and went to my door, opened it then went to the stairs.

"Yeah mom?"

"Everyone is going to Grannies to celebrate you and Henry coming home. So get changed and then come downstairs. We leave in 20 minutes."

"Okay mom."

I then walked back to my room and changed out of the clothes that I wore coming home I changed out of them then threw on some new clothes and did my hair. After I was done with that I put on my fingerless gloves my weapons belt and my favorite knife. (Outfit above)

As soon as I finished putting on my boots I slid down the banister and mom laughed a little when I did. I smiled at her when my feet were once again on the ground and she wrapped me in a giant hug like she did when the curse was broken. When she pulled away she planted a kiss on my forehead and held me at arms length.

"I'm so happy we got you and Henry out of there. Now come on let's head to Grannies!"

She gave me a huge smile and we exited the house and got into the car and drove to Grannies.

When we walked through the doors of Grannies I was immediately greeted by what looked like half the damn town. When I finally got to sit down a cup of hot cocoa with cinnamon and whipped cream was placed in front of me. I looked up and saw that it was Emma, Snow, David, Henry, Mom, and Hook smiling.


"What do you mean what Mel?"

"I mean you guys have been smiling non stop Emma, don't get me wrong I'm happy to be home but you don't need to smile 24/7 it's a little creepy and I know that it's not moms thing to smile so much."

I saw Emma and Snow let out a sigh then they sat in the seat in front of me while everyone else remained standing.

"You were sexually assaulted again sweetie we thou-"

I held up my hand and Snow stopped talking.

"I get it your worried about me but I'm fine you guys and Pan saved me, and I am not going back to therapy because of this I know how to cope with it. I'm fine you guys really."

I gave them all a reassuring smile and they smiled back. As we were all talking about things them filling us in on what happened and us telling them what happened to us. We saw a flash of brown light. All of us dashed out of Grannies and we ran to the streets we stopped in the middle and looked up to see the new barrier breaking. Before I could ask why it was breaking brown smoke came pouring in and my mom and Emma forced Henry and I behind them. As the brown smoke kept pouring in I was able to see a body form. Wait.

Powerful Magic.

Brown Smoke.

My eyes then widened in relation. Felix!

I kept my head fixated towards the retreating smoke and saw not only Felix but someone besides him. I could see my mom Snow and David tense up at the sight of the man besides Felix.

"Regina, Snow White, Charming. So good to see you again you all look well."

"What do you want Rothbart?!"

I whipped my head to Snow when she said that surprise written on my face.

"What I can't just pay a visit to old friends."

"We were never your friends, and we never will be."

"Ah Regina feisty as ever I see and more protective. There's a certain energy around you an energy of light and determination. The kind only a mother could have."

"I'll repeat Snows question! What do you want!"

"Not much just a trinket that belongs to me that went missing a long time ago Regina. Does that answer your question?"

He smiled slyly at mom and I could see the magic in her hands about to go out of control. Oh crap! I put my hand on her shoulder and I could feel her relax a bit at my touch and I let out a relieved sigh.

"I may not know who you are bu-"

"The Savior. Of course you would be here, but I can appeal to your better nature."

Emma just looked at him with question on her face.

"You see that Trinket you all have is something that is mine or rather that should of been mine years ago. It would of been mine if things had gone my way and now my son and I are here to collect it."

As he said that I was enveloped in smoke and appeared with my back pressed up agains a chest and a knife at my throat. I saw my family begin to advance towards me but stopped when the knife was pressed harder against my throat.

"You see this beautiful girl as you now know is the Daughter of Queen Odette and King Derrick. When her mother announced she was pregnant I decided to pay a visit to their little announcement party. When I got there I made a vow to make the child mine any way possible. Which means she belongs to my son."

When he said that I kicked into high gear. I got the knife away from my throat then jumped and wrapped my legs around Felix's left shoulder and twisted and heard a nice loud crack I then punched him in the nose then moved onto his father to fight him I drew my knife out and began to swipe at him.

"I. Belong. To. No. One!"

Finally he managed to freeze me in place so I couldn't move. While my body was like this Felix tied me up.

"Guess my son was right when he said she had a bright strong fire inside." I could see the smile crack on his face.

That smile sent chills down my spine.

"Let her go!"

I saw that Snow now had her bow and was pointing to Rothbart and David had his Sword drawn and I could see mom and Emma's magic pulsing in their hands.

"You attack my it will hurt her all of your attacks will be deflected to Melanie here."

After he said this Felix removed my locket and took my knife from me and handed it to his father. His father smiled again and I grew worried. His father then opened the hilt of my blade, how did he know it could do that?! He placed my locket inside of it and attached a piece of paper and it disappeared. After it vanished I felt my head go dizzy and black began to enter my eyes. I was then caught in Felix's arms and let the darkness cover me like a blanket.

Fight of my life (OUAT Neverland) ( under revision )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon