Chapter 16

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My sister is gone, and I wasn't able to stop them from taking her!

After she was whisked away by Felix and his father, mom fell to her knees and she let out the most primal scream that I have ever heard. Grandma dropped her bow and sank down next to mom and began to rub circles on her back. She then turned to Grandma and hugged her as if she was going to disappear into nothing. I looked away to mom and saw my other mom with her fists curled so tight her knuckles were turning white.

"She'll be fine Regina. She's a fighter."

Mom pulled away and looked at Grandma.

"Do you not remember what he can do?! He has killed more people than I have ever killed, he is too powerful did you not see what he did! He was able to stop my baby girl from fighting him with a swipe of his finger! Do you not remember what he did to Odette and Derrick!"

"Regina, what I mean is he needs her for something. He needs her alive."

As Grandma said this I saw someone flying towards us. As soon as he landed I knew who it was.

~Pans POV~

When I landed I saw Henry looking at me as well as his family.

"Why do you have my sisters locket?"

I sighed and gave Regina the note as well as Melanie's dagger when she finished reading the note she looked at me with tears in her eyes, I then reached to take the necklace off.

"No. No. He sent you the necklace for a reason and I feel like my little girl would want you to wear it."

I smiled at the Queen and put my hands back down at my side but not before I realized multiple weapons were pointed at me. I put my hands up and held eye contact with the Queen.

"I know you all do not like me, but we need to save Melanie. I have faced him as well I know what he is capable of and I know how Felix thinks, and I think I may have an idea as to where they may be."

As I spoke they slowly lowered their weapons. First it was Snow, then Emma, Hook, and lastly Charming.

Fight of my life (OUAT Neverland) ( under revision )Where stories live. Discover now