Love me till eternity - Book VIII (Part 4)

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"How are you my dear?" Mrs Granger asked me smiling warmly.

"I am good Mrs Granger and how are you?" I asked back.

"My health sometimes isn't well but otherwise I am fine." She replied giving me a side hug.

Mrs Granger was really nice and kind woman. Initially I was having bias mind for her and I regret that many times I was rude with her. But she just forgot all the bitterness and came to rescue me. I was six months in depression after my break up with Blake and my miscarriage. I was shattered inside, I even tried to attempt suicide but today I am alive just because of this woman and my friend Emma. They supported me and helped me to recover from my mental disorder. I still remember what Mrs Granger told me when I wanted to finish my life desperately.

"Please child, don't drag yourself into vicious cave of death. One day we all have to leave this earth but before that we should learn to enjoy our life, forget awful past, look forward and embrace happiness" Mrs Granger told me caressing my head.

"Happiness??? Where is happiness in my life??? When I was small, just two years old baby, my parents expired in car accident, I wish if I had died that day only." I sniffled in her arms.

"Oh dear, don't think like that. If god kept you still alive, it's for certain reason only. He wanted you to learn from good and bad experiences, he want you to become strong. Today you are wailing because that asshole don't understand your value but I would say god must have destined a good man for you who will love you like princess, who will care about you honestly." Mrs Granger said wiping off my tears.

I smiled and hugged her tight; I just felt that if my mom was alive, she must have supported me like this only. Mrs Granger was so caring and loving to me as if I was her own daughter.

"Hello angel, where are you lost?" Mrs Granger said snapping her fingers in front of my eyes. I smiled sheepishly.

"Have this coffee and pancakes. I specially made for you."

"Thank you Mrs Granger." I smiled and took a bite of delicious pancake which she made for me with love.

"Mrs Granger, did you talk with Mrs Foy, I am bored of sitting at home doing nothing. I need a job desperately." I said.

"I was coming to this topic only. Mrs Foy wanted to meet you today, in the evening." Mrs Granger said smiling; I pecked her cheeks and hug her. "Thank you so much mom"

"What did you say?" Mrs Granger looked me surprise, I called her 'mom' subconsciously. I hope she won't mind.

"Mom" I repeated smiling.

"Oh dear. I love you so much. Always call me Mom from hereon." She said cupping my chin. I know Mrs Granger not has own child. Her husband was in army and unfortunately he died in bomb blast just after one year of marriage.

"Yes Mom. I would love to call you Mom." I said and saw her eyes filled with tears of joy.


Wow Mrs Foy's house is so grand and beautiful just like marvellous castles they show in fairy tale movies. I like their house so much. There is everything what anyone could just imagine, Lavish garden, swimming pool and I know if it's this fabulous from outside then it's inside will be much more fab. Let's see, I followed Mom inside the hall, one of servant informed us that Mrs Foy is already waiting in her room. Mom led me to Mrs Foy's room as she works here as piano teacher for Mrs Foy. Mrs Foy is very good hearted lady, she instantly befriended with Mom.

Besides all this, Foy family is very rich and famous in business world because of their huge business set up which is currently run by Luke Foy the one and only successor of this grand empire. I don't have anything to do with it. I just want a job in their company with recommendation of Mrs Foy so that I could earn money. I don't want to burden on Emma or Mom or anyone.

"Sit down young lady" I suddenly came back to earth with feminine voice, it was Mrs Anna Foy. She smiled at me and I smiled back at her with same courtesy.

"Thank you mam." I said politely and sat down on sofa with Mom.

Mom and Mrs Foy talked for a while about their health and random things. Mrs Foy offered us fresh orange juice, cookies and cheesecakes.

"I showed your resume to my grandson Luke. You are graduated with good grades; I asked him if he can appoint any more staff in their office." She paused, and drank her water. I waited impatiently for her to say further.

"And you are lucky girl; Luke said there is a vacant place in his office. He didn't mention about the job profile but he said that he wanted you to give interview first. So you better start preparing yourself for the interview tomorrow." Mrs Foy said smiling. She is really a jolly woman. Full of enthusiasm! On age of 60, she kept her life busy with so many activities and enjoy everything, that's what I came to know about her from Mom.

"Thank you so much, it means a lot to me." I said showing my gratitude. Oh I am so happy. Now I should really start working on my interview, I don't have experience of working in such large multinational company. Ugh! I hope the interview will go well and I wish Mr Luke must be kind just like his grandma Mrs Anna Foy.

to be continued......

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