Love me till eternity - Book IV (Part 2)

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"Oh my god! You had this horrible past with Jennifer, and you never speak a word about it before me" He said totally disappointed. "What kind of friend you are? If you won't share your things with me how would I help you?"

"It's something terrible about my past. I ruined our friendship because of my adamant nature. She will never accept me nor forgive me from her heart and I deserve it." I said with heavy heart.

Max came near me and squeezed my shoulder gently giving me sympathetic smile.

"Tristan, still my instincts are telling me, she has soft corner for you, she is still into you." Max said hopefully.

"Then you tell me, what I should do to amend this chaos?"

"Of course I will tell you but before that promise me you won't hurt her again. Jennifer is pure soul, she is meant to be loved, I don't want you get her only for your physical needs, she is like sister to me now so you better behave and treasure her love." Max said in threatening tone.

"I will Max, I will. She is real gem. I was unaware of the true meaning of love earlier, I was blinded with lust feelings but now I wanted to change myself. I am ready to do anything to get her back in my life." I said promisingly. The thought itself was overwhelming.

"Good. I will help you then." Max smiled and hugged me patting my back.


I rang the doorbell almost for three times and rattled the doorknob for four-five times but no response.

"It's nine in morning, is she sleeping yet? Oh Oh I shouldn't have come this early in the morning." I muttered and turned to leave when I heard opening of the door. My face lit up and I spun around to see the amazing girl standing in door. She was wearing pink robe around her petite figure and the white towel was encasing her long rich hairs. I stared at the sight of her dreamily as if I am going to kiss her senselessly any minute. She coughed and I slumped down to earth from my crazy imagination.

"Hii" I said smiling sheepishly.

"Tristan, what are you doing here?" she asked surprised.

"Shall I come inside?" I asked.

She nodded and let me in. When I passed by her, I didn't miss her fresh smell of jasmine soap. I went inside; she came after me closing the door.

I sat on sofa, I was visiting her home after four years I felt very warm and homely. She lives here with her mom, her father died when she was six years old.

"Tristan I will come in two minutes wearing dress ok" she said.

"Don't bother. I won't take much time to leave."

"Um..ok. have some coffee" she said and move but I stopped her "It's ok Jenn, thank you but I already had coffee."

She stood silently in front of me. I started the conversation again. "Aunty is not home?"

"She went to meet granny yesterday night. Granny is fine, Mom simply wanted to see her." She answered.

"Oh. Hmm...I am here to ask you something?" I said with lack of confidence, but I need to dare whatever her reply is.

"Tell me?" she said. I licked my lower lip nervously before asking her,

"I wanted to ask your permission, I mean I would be glad if you....if you, it's about....." Oh no I am losing the grip already.

"Tristan, I am not getting anything. Will you speak more clearly?"

I took a deep breath calming my throbbing nerves. "I want you to come with me at prom night celebration party." Aah I said it.

But why she is mum. I am getting so nervous to hear her reply. Will she agree to come with me? What if someone had already asked her before me? I am already getting paranoid.

"I know you are asking me because you had break up with beyonce. I don't think I can come with you, you please ask to other girl. I am sure there are plenty of girls dying to come with you." She said simply but I felt hurt and dejected.

"Oh yes, there are plenty of girls out there but I don't want to go with them. The famous diva Stella Hawkins was begging me to come, but I refused her offer." I lied. Jennifer stared me for good seconds and then started laughing. She was looking so pretty laughing carefree.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You are very bad at lying Mr.Tristan. I know Stella is going with her boyfriend Roger." She said. I scratched my head sheepishly.

"Please say yes Jennifer." I pleaded.

"Ok, I will come." She said. I couldn't hide my happiness when she agreed to come.

"Thank you thank you so much. I will pick you up by 7 pm tomorrow." I exclaimed. "This is for you. You will look beautiful in this gown." I handed her one bag in which beautiful gown was kept neatly.

"Ok so I will leave now. Bye." 

"Bye" she responded. I left with happy smile on my lips.

To be continued.....

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