Chapter {26}

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[Camila Cabello]

-Ruined, torn, and losing one of our own. {26}

Jennifer wears a satisfyed smirk as she watches our reactions. Ally stands beside the glass tube with a sneer on her lips. Gone is the sweet caring and loving big little sister we had all come to know. A monster has replaced her. One that turned on us. Just goes to show how much our world has been turned around.

Dinah has her hands balled into fists. Her wild mane of hair dancing in the wind as a strom blows in. She looks absolutely disguisted by Ally. Lauren just looks ashamed and I can tell Ally isnt the only one who has kept secrets.

"Cut the crap Jennifer." Dinah snarls. "What the hell have you done?"

Ally steps forward, gesturing for Jennifer to let her talk. "You girls are so stupid. You wanted to find love in someone who wasnt your match. And in doing it you kept it secret and forced a bunch of unessacary drama on Fifth Harmony. Long ago I made a deal with Jennifer. And now its time to collect."

"So your going to force Mani to love you? Thats not how it works." Dinah snaps.

"Well how are you and Lauren? Satisfyed in ruining Fifth Harmony."

"Laurinah didnt ruin it. Normila didnt ruin it. The Fate Ceremony did. Choosing did. And we didnt chose. The choice was taken." I say softly. Without the fiestyness Dinah and Lauren possesed. In fact in our situation I was what people considered scary calm.

"Hey Mila?" Ally said with her sweet loving tone she usually used to break up a fight. "Get your head out of the clouds. I get what I want and you dont have Mani. When the time comes she will love me and not you."

"And what does Jennifer get in this?" Dinah asks.

Jennifer smiles and moves to stand in front of Dinah. Leaning in a bit so they are close. She has on the intimidating stare and her aura of authority and importance. "I win Dinah Jane. Thats what I get. I get the pleassure of seeing you all fall apart."

"What happened to you?" I ask. My voice small and stupid but there nonetheless.

"Maybe one day you will know Karla."

"What did we do to you? Who was it that broke you?"

"Im not broken. Im breaking. And if I have to I will bring everyone with me."

"You know this crazy act. These crazy thoughts in your head. They arent real. They never were. Its the feeling of being alone and sad and its eaten you up everyday."

Ally rolls her eyes in bordem. "Jenn, lets go."

That seems to snap her out of the trance. She moves forward to Normani with a needle filled with a purple liquid. She slides her hand through the tube and injects it into Normani. For once in my life she breaks down. Normani swears like there is no tomorrow and screams in agony.

She bares her teeth and her knuckles turn white. She looks Ally dead in the eye. "Remember this Allyson, that I will never love you. Not this konster before me. The girl that you fell in love with will be dead and you killed her. Not Jennifer. Because you are a hypocrit. You say all these things about love and you dont even know what it is. This is me. The real me. Remember this. Remember these words."

Normani bites down and I can see something changing in her eyes. "Love is when you feel something for someone else. This need to protect them and be there. And if you really love them you wont leave. You will be there. You will love their flaws and scares because it shows you what they can do. What they have done. And you will feel white hot pain of pleassure when you see them, love them, touch them. And that will never be us. Because Camila is the only girl who can ever do that to me. The love you give to me is numb and dark. Neverending loop of-"

But shes cut off and slumps down.

Ally has tears in her eyes but conceals them well. I bite my lip. She loves me. She really does. And thats what hives me the strength to carry on.

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