Chapter {07}

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[Normani Kordei]
~Loving Someone is a Dangerous Game {07}
Part 2

Im not happy.

I can never be happy.

Why did they do this? Why do they force us? I dont love Dinah. Dinah doesnt love me. So why were we paired? I can tell by the way she kisses me she wont ever love me. But we are forcing it. We have no choice. Maybe thats why we found ourselves sitting in her bedroom. Staring at eachother with no emotion.

"Normani Im so sorry but I cant love you." She says.

Did she seriously think I actually did like her?

"Dinah, Im not in love with you."

Her eyes widen. "Then your a great actor."

I smirk. "So Ive heard."

"So your okay?"

"I'll never be okay with a life like this. Its aweful."

Dinahs arms wrap around me and I lean into her. Shes my best friend and I cant lose her. I just cant. Shes always been there for me, even if she doesnt know how. Even if no one knows what really happens in me.

"Normani please, dont do this to yourself."

I sigh. "I just need... sometime."

"I swear if I find you dead I will raise you up just to kill you again."

I give her a fake laugh and she buys it. "Promis I wont."

But more than anything, I know promises are empty words.


She cant find me.

She cant find me.

I repeat the words over and over to reassure myself. Im sitting down in the woods. Its a small creek and ive always gone here. I love the outdoors and the woods. Its so peaceful. No one could ever find me here. Thats the best part.

The blade slashes across my wrist. The emotional pain is replaced by a firey relief. I sigh and slash harder. No one has ever seen my do this because Ive always been able to hide it. Whether i be with shirts or makeup.

I move down but the blade is knocked from my hand. I look up, expecting to see Dinah but its not her. Its Camila.

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