Chapter {18}

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[Lauren Jauregui]

~The Special Surprise {18}

Im not surprised when I wake up in the bed alone. Again. I am surprised to hear Dinah in the shower. Shes singing Yoncé by the one and only. A small smile dances on my lips thinking about how much she loves Beyonce.

Camila comes in and gives me a soft kiss. I can tell she isnt into camren as much anymore. Most of her time is now spent worrying about Normani and her family. I would be stressed if my sister or brother were in that position. The only thing I feel Jennifer has overlooked is that now Normani wont ever be seen with us and wont that confuse the harmonizers?

Of corse I have been on tumblr and instagram and every so often twitter. I know that Camila and I usually have most of the attention but still. It'll be obvious if Dinahs match is never with her anymore. No more cute pictures or kisses. Just a lonely Dinah.

"Hey." She says softly.

"Hi." I say a bit absently.

She sighs and i see that wistful look in her eyes. It tells me she is dreaming of Normani. Of corse they gave her a taste when Normani came for slight interaction. It still infuriats me how she has been completely controlled. No longer a human with a free will but a pawn. A futile pawn in Jennifers game.

To me I imagine a small chess board. Fifth Harmony on one side and her on the other. Right now Jennifer has taken a piece from our side and used it to make a king piece. We are down to 4 girls, 4 plain pieces, verses a king. The odds dont look good because we know at any minute she could do something awful. Not only does she have Normani, but she has the Fifth Harmony Fandom.

"I miss her so much." Camila says with a sniffle.

Dinah comes out with her hair in a towel and a pair of sweatpants and t-shirt on. She sits down beside me and takes Camilas hands. "Its going to be okay."

"How can you say that?" She asks softly.

Both Dinah and I share a glance. This is not the funny little girl who wears bows. This is not the cutesy person who has always been uplifting in a halarious sense. This is a girl who looks as if all the color has been drained from the world.

"Are you okay Mila?" I reach out to her but she flinches from my touch. A pange of hurt goes through me and I drop my hand. "Sorry."

Instead of an apology she just retracts her hands from Dinahs and looks out the window. "Why is love so complicated?"

"Because Jennifer rules it." I said bitterly.

"Well at least you have the one you love Laur." Camila retorted.

Dinah was clearly as shocked as I was at her sudden anger. She gives me a sorrowful look but I shrug it off.

"I still love you as my sister."

Her brown orbs come in to focus on my face. "You have no idea what its like. To love one girl and dream of being with her. To always depend on the Council to make descions. To trust in some people that they know best. And then grow up and see those lies. To be matched with a girl who never loved you. And then to watch her fall in love with someone else. Someone who makes her happier than I ever could."

She looks so angry and lost all at once. "Ive never been able to make you smile like Dinah can. To sooth you within seconds. Just coming into the room has never been met with that sparkle you give Dinah. And then imagine when I find someone I actually love. And she loves me back."

Camila shifts to face me and me alone. "To fake love to a girl who isnt in love with you. Then to screw things up so badly with your real love. The one who brings color to the world. Yet makes it seem so dimmer because they are in it. Imagina breaking her heart on purpose because you both knew it couldnt ever happen."

I put my hands up and she falls into sobs. Camila moves onto Dinahs lap and Dinah takes her with practiced ease. The training of babysitting. I watched her tears stain Dinahs clothes and fall onto her skin. It was an artwork really. An artwork of shattering heartbreak.

Her sobs slowly stop when we hear a knock on the door. Jennifer lets herself in and Normani trails behind. Camilas eyes immeidatly light up but she realises who shes dealing with and bites her lip to prevent any more unwanted emotions.

Jennifers gives her a raised eyebrow but dismisses it. "As you have all known, Normani wont be with you and I see the arising problem as Dinahs match. So we have given you a new one."

Something sparks in me. I remember that I had a sheet with Dinahs name on it. The first slip of paper that I pulled first. Of corse it was foolish to dream but nowadays thats all I seemed to have left.

A man walked in. Siope. Dinahs ex.

"Meet your new match." Jennifer says to Dinah.

He gives her a sly smile. I can tell hes pleased with this because she had originally broken it off with him first. And I finally know why. Its because she fell in love with me. Because she couldnt act forever. But now thats what our lives are.

"Why is Normani here?" I blurt out. "To mock us?"

"I wanted to see Camila." Normani says before Jennifer can say anything.

She turns and glares at Normani. "Were you asked to speak?"

"I was refered to in the question." She replies stonely.

"You may want to watch your actions."

"Or you'll abuse me again?" Normani laughs. "You can break everything thing I have. You could break everything I am. But thats the thing about physical pain. It heals. Scars fade and when they dont they remind you of what youve been through. What you can do. You can break me with words too. Thats thing about all youve done. I have no one left to love. I have no one for you to insult."

"I have Camila." Jennifer says confidently.

A smirk crawls onto Normanis lips. "It might be easy for me to go missing. And you know that, its why you chose me. But Camila? Her scars will be harder to cover. Dont want to lose control do we? Ive come to realise you cant harm her family without expousing yourself. Its a silly risk you wont take. And you could kill me but where would that get you? Without bait."

The room falls into a deadly silence. The look in Jennifers eyes says she knows Normani is right. But never expected her to be so smart or rebellious. And by the glint of pride in the dark brown orbs, Normani knows shes struck a nerve. And shes wiling to pay the price.

"Siope." She says curtly. Dinah is ushered out by her new match and Normani is dragged by her ear over to the window.



Jennifer pulls out a gun. "Whats to stop me from saying you committed suicide?"

"The girls."

"But you see after telling me all of this you gave me an idea. I could easily say its all self harm. Beating themselves up because you havnt gottent the attention you wanted. You committed suicide. Why not just destroy Fifth Harmony?"

Normani turns and faces Jennifer. "Because that will throw everything into chaos. And thats one thing you wont have."

She takes out a small pin. Its a mockingjay pin from the hunger games. Normani tosses it to me and I catch it effortlessly.

"Remember this day Jennifer. Because this is the beginning of the end."


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