Chapter {13}

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[Lauren Jauregui]

~Listen {13}

I sat on the bench at the park with Camila. She had her head rested in my lap and was gazing up at the clouds. Her eyes tear stained from crying so hard. I dont think I had ever seen her so upset until when she came to me asking for some comfort. I may not love Camila but I had to help her.

The clouds did look, nice today though. I always enjoyed the outdoors. But I was too consumed with my own saddness to really look. We had both cried until the tears wouldnt come. Now all there was left was to sit here. Away frim the ones who had hurt us. Away from the people we hurt.

"You okay?" Camila asks, noticing my eyes had teared up again.

"Yeah." I reply, furriously wiping at my eyes. "Its just... so awful. What happened. It shouldnt ever happen."

Camila nods. "But I just messed up so badly. You shouldve seen her face Lauren. I destroyed her. And I didnt even care. I enjoyed it in fact-"

"You know thats not true. It was just a bump. An accidental outburst due to held back emotions."

"But she doesnt know that."

I lean down and connect our lips. "I love you, ya know."

Camila nods. "I love you too."

The words are empty but we both know how good it feels to be loved and if we can only get it from eachother, so be it.

Just then I see Normani running through the park. She looks scarred. Acutally scarred. She is deffinetly looking for someone. Probably us. Then I see someone come up and talk to her. Its a man deffinetly. A big burly one. But I cant see his face. All I can tell is that he wears a red tank top and jeans.

Normani is talking furriously to him and he raises his hand and slaps her. I cringe as I hear her yelp. He gives her a stern look and turns away. She rubs at her face, composes herself, and runs out of the park.

"Mila." I say urgently. "Did you see that?"

She sits up. "See what?"


Camila makes a noise in her throat.

"Camz a man just slapped her."

Her eyes narrow and she looks furious. "Where!?"

"Gone. He slapped her then left. She took off running again. I saw her run into the park looking for someone and the man came up, grabbed her wrist, and they talked furiously."

Camila stood and grabbed at my wrist. "Lets go. We need to find her now!"

"After what you did to her? After what she did to you?"

"Yes!" Camila says practically dragging me all the way back to our house. Well our rental place at least.

We rush in and Camila immediatly drags me to her room. But she isnt there. We look outside but shes not out back. We find Dinah and Ally.

"Wheres Normani?"

"She came in but Im not sure where she went." Dinah says uselessly. "Why whats going on?"

"Nothing." I say lightly and drag Camila to her room. We here the water running. It turns off and I can here her stepping out. Shit! I drag Camila behind her bed, crouching low. Normani comes out and begins to dress. Instead of thinking about that though I think about the hidden object under her bed.

A velvet box with her name is hidding under her bed. I pull it out but then Normanis voice makes me freeze.

"Lauren? Camila?"

We stand up. Shes dressed thankfully.

"Hi." Camila says.

"Why were you too snopping in my room?" She eyes the box. "Give me that."

But I yank it from her grasp. "Whos this from Normani?"


"Huh.... and if I asked shed agree."

"Yep. Now hand it over." Normani reaches for it again but it move it behind my back.

"I think your lying."

"So what if Im lying? Why would you care about me?" She snaps.

Her words make me soften. "Is that really what you think? That Mila and I dont care?"

"You have no reason to." She says matter-of-factly.

"Normani I say you in the park today." I blurt out. "I saw him slap you."

Her eyes widen. "You- you-" She reaches behind me and retrieves the box. "Just go away."

"Who was he?" I press.

Normani takes the box and moves in behind me. I cant see what shes doing then she turns back around. "Its none of your buisness."

Camila steps forward. "Normani Im so sorry for what I said. Can you please forgive me? I want to help you."

Mani takes a step back. She looks me in the eyes for once. "Be careful." Is all she says.

"Thats it? Thats all your giving us?" I snap.

When she says nothing I take Milas hand. "Common, she isnt worth it."

I ignore her echoing words. Be careful my ass.

Soon I was going to realise I shouldve listened.

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