8 - Eyes

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When I went into the class, the kids were looking at me weirdly. I was wondering what's going on, but then I saw Daniel was sleeping on Minhyun's seat when I walked to my desk.

"Hey, why are you always sleeping all by yourself in the class? And why are you sitting on Minhyun's chair?" I asked as I shook Daniel's body lightly.

"My back is fucking hurt. Hyung's chair feels better," he said.

"You're serious about your back?" I gasped.

Then he grabbed my hand when I was about to check on his back.

"Why would I not be serious about it?" he said as he pouted while looking up at me.

I felt so bad for him, I didn't know that he's hurt that bad because of me.

Then the bell rang, and the teacher asked the students to come out for morning exercise. I saw everyone had left the room. "I can't just leave him alone, can I?" I wondered in my mind.

Then I asked a lot of questions that I thought could probably make me useful for him until he shushed and shooed me out.

"Alright alright. I'm gonna tell the teacher that you're sick" I said before I left.

Third person P.O.V

"Do you want me to stay here with you? I would've said yes if you asked me that question," he said when he saw you left the class.

End of Third person P.O.V

When I came out of the class, Pamela suddenly grabbed my hand and hid me behind a wall. "Be careful, someone told Jojo that you're with Daniel yesterday. And she's not happy about it," she whispered before she left.

"So that's why they're staring at me. Gosh, this is crazy" I said.

Then I went to the teacher to say that Daniel's sick so he couldn't do the exercise.

As I walked to the yard, I felt similar grips on my hands. The next thing I knew, Jihoon and Woojin were already dragging me to join the other guys.

"I wonder why they call you Troublemaker. You're so defenseless and easy to mess with," Seongwoo said.

"Hahaha. Exactly," I agreed.

Then I saw Minhyun. He was surprisingly shy. If I didn't know, I wouldn't believe that the guy who texted me last night was the Minhyun that's standing right in front of me.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I can go with you today. Daniel hurts his back, I might need to be the one who cover up for him instead" I said.

"Yeah, I know. We can always go some other time" he said as he smiled.

"Oh, he's so nice" I said in my mind. I saw him blushed and I was shy too.

Then I jumped when suddenly a hip hop music was playing.

"It's the morning exercise" Minhyun mumbled before he danced so cutely.

"Awww, even his dance is so cute," I said in my mind. I was totally fan-girling over him.

I was expecting some lame music and routine for the morning exercise. But apparently it's more like a modern dance. "Hahaha. I think this school is really meant for idols," I said in my mind.

Then Jihoon was dancing while doing some cute gestures as he encouraged me to dance along. I love to dance, but I had never danced in front of people before, so I just swayed my body lightly. Then the other guys were dancing so fiercely while circling me. They're so talented.

"I wonder how Daniel will look like when he dance. I bet he'll look so good too. Hold on now, why am I thinking about Daniel?" I wondered in my mind.

I was surprised when Jisung suddenly nudged my arm lightly. He signaled me to dance with them. Then I saw them enjoying the atmosphere so much, so I dared myself to dance to match their vibe.

We're laughing so happily when the warming up was over. I never thought that I'd enjoy dancing in front of people that much.

Suddenly the teacher asked me, Jojo and, Vivian, the unpopular girls gang leader to lead at the front for the main exercise. I was quite nervous, but the guys encouraged me to do it, so I did.

I was placed in front of my classroom. I was stretching when I saw Jojo was glaring at me as if she's challenging me for a dance battle. Then I saw Vivian was looking at Jojo's and copying everything she did.

I chuckled as I rolled my eyes. Then I saw Daniel was awake. He had his elbow on the table with his head resting on his palm while locking his eyes on me from inside the classroom.

"What?" I mumbled. He did nothing but kept looking at me. Then I signaled him to close his eyes, but he winked at me.

"Pffft" I snorted and giggled looking at his silly act, then he smiled.

Then the next track was playing, it was pretty seductive. He was still looking at me when I danced. There's some weird feelings that I feel every time I look into his eyes. It's so powerful, I couldn't look away.

But then I noticed the teacher was strolling near our class.

"Shit! If he saw Daniel like this, he'll think that he's not sick," I said in my mind.

Then I signalled Daniel to close his eyes with a pleaded look. "I hope he got me this time" I begged in my mind as I closed my eyes when the teacher was approaching the class door.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Daniel was already sleeping like he always does. Then the teacher got out, after quickly checking on him.

"Fiuh, that was close," I said in my mind as my eyes following the teacher.

As I shifted my gaze back to the classroom, I was nearly jumped when I saw Daniel already sat on a desk, at the front row of the class, and literally watching me.

I felt the heat on my cheeks, because I felt like I was doing a private show for him when I danced. Then he smirked when the music stopped and got back to Minhyun's seat.

"Oh.My.God. What was that? I'm so embarrassed. I hope I wasn't blushing," I panicked in my mind, as I cupped my hands on my cheeks and walked back to the crowd.

Troublemaker - Kang DanielWhere stories live. Discover now