17 - Warning

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"I'm okay Mam. Really. I just wasn't being careful, so I tripped myself," I said when she's observing me.

"How is this okay? Oh, my poor kid," she said as she stroked my hair, then I smiled. "Ah, you must be hungry, I brought something from home," she said as she took some containers that she left at the door, then brought them to the kitchen.

"Please sit down, I can manage," she said when I followed her, preventing me from entering the kitchen.

"But ..." I said.

"No buts. Son, can you please make sure she doesn't go anywhere," she said.

"Aye aye Captain!" Daniel said as he forced me to sit down on the dining chair. I glared at him and he shrugged.

Soon, the food was ready on the table and we started eating.

"Well, well, well. Looks like somebody already make up her relationship with food," I heard my mom's voice.

"Um, I'm, This is ...," I gasped when I saw my mom.

"Hi! You must be (y/n)'s mom, I'm Daniel's mom. Nice to meet you. I'm sorry I use your kitchen," Daniel's mom said.

"No worries, please go ahead. Nice to meet you too. I should thank you instead for feeding my daughter, she didn't really wanna eat since yesterday. I'm just gonna put my things, then I'll join you guys," my mom said before she went upstairs.

"Why did your mom say that you didn't wanna eat?" Daniel asked. Both Daniel and his mom were looking at me waiting for my answer.

"I just didn't have the appetite," I said as I looked down, avoiding their gaze. "Hmm, this soup is so good," I continued, trying to change the subject.

"He made you sad, didn't he?" Daniel's mom asked as she pointed at him.

"See? I told you she can hear everything! The wall is thin!" I said unconsciously.

"She's probably just guessing. Wait, did I do something that make you sad yesterday?" he asked.

"Damn it! What should I do?" I asked in my mind. "Mom! Come on! Let's eat! Woah. It's nice to eat together like this," I said when I saw my mom was coming down the stairs. Nice save.

Daniel was still looking at me suspiciously, but he continued eating when my mom told him to eat more.

"Thank you for taking care of my daughter when I'm away. You guys should come more often. I'll cook your favorite food next time," My mom said as we send them off.

"We will. Thank you," Daniel said then bowed before they left.

Third person P.O.V

"Who did it?" Daniel's mom asked as they walked home.

"It's a guy from senior class. He's been targeting her brother, but I think he's also onto (y/n) now," Daniel explained.

"You gotta take care of her," she said.

"Of course, I will. By the way mom, did you really heard what we're talking about in my room? Did I say something wrong?" he asked.

"Of course not. You specifically requested a thick wall for your room, how could I hear what you guys were talking about. I was just guessing, because yesterday she suddenly rushed home and her face was gloomy when she came out of your room. So I assumed something must've happened between both of you," she said.

"Hhh. I don't know what though. I'm worried about her. Jojo is onto her too I think," he said.

"She's still chasing you? Such a pain in the ass. Do you have any plan to handle it?" she asked.

"Not yet. But I promise, I'll find a way," Daniel said.

"I know you will. Please protect my baby," she said.

"Mom, why do you like her so much? I've never seen you like this with my other girl friends before," he asked.

"She's a good kid, and she's nothing like those girl friends that you ever had. Oh poor girl. Just remembering her state earlier, breaks my heart. She must be really hurt," she said as she's tearing up. "Ah, should I come to your school? You know the one who did it right? Show it to me. I'm gonna beat him into pulp for hurting my kid," she continued.

"Woah woah. Calm down mom. We'll figure out a better way to handle it, alright?" he suggested and she nodded.

The next morning when Daniel came into the class, Jaehwan approached him.

"It has started," he said.

"Damn it! Let's meet in the cafeteria," Daniel said.

End of Third person P.O.V

"Good morning" I said to my classmates, but they turned their backs, totally ignoring me. "Good morning, Pam, how are ... you?" Pamela left before I could finish my sentence. "Woah, what else is happening here?" I wondered.

Then everyone starting to come in when the bell rang. Everything seemed normal, until I noticed that everyone other than the boys were ignoring me. Like totally walked away when I approached them.

"That's fine. Who cares?" I said in my mind.

At recess I stayed in the class, because my wounds aren't fully recovered yet. Besides, suddenly I became the public enemy, so I'd rather stay inside and feed my brain with books. I haven't really paid much attention to my academics lately.

"I gotta be smart if I wanna stay here," I said.

Suddenly I saw Daniel ran to me then pulled me up and covered my head.


Then I saw a huge and thick roll of world map which was usually kept upright in the corner at the back of the class fell behind me. If it wasn't for Daniel, that hard roll would've hit my head.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he looked at me.

"I'm okay. Thank you," I nodded and smiled.

Then I saw he glared at a girl who's headed to the exit before she said "Oops, sorry,"

"Let her," I said as I grabbed Daniel's shirt when he was about to confront the girl.

"(y/n)!!! Let's eaaaaaaat. We brought you some ...," Jihoon squealed as he and the other boys were coming into the classroom, but they stopped when they noticed the tension in the room.

I approached the still shocked Jihoon and took the food that he brought which woke him up.

"Woah they smell good. Come on let's eat together," I asked. Then we ate and hung out in the class during recess.

After school's over, I had to force the guys to go home because they insisted to stay with me until my brother picked me up. It has been an hour but my brother hadn't showed up.

I have a bad feeling, so I went to check on him. But before I got out, Jojo suddenly slammed the door shut and pinned me on a wall. I found it really funny, because she's actually smaller than me, but she acted so tough and big in front of me.

"Listen. I thought I'll scare you off by making everyone turned their backs on you. But you just don't know when to stop, do you? So let me make this clear. Before you regret it, I suggest you to stay away from Daniel," she warned.

"Hahaha. Do whatever you want Jojo, I don't care," I said.

"Are you sure? Even if it's involving your brother? You don't think that I only have power just over this class, do you?" she mocked.

"Where is he? What did you do?" I asked her. I wanna grabbed her by the collar, but her friends were securing my hands.

"Well, I just told Dongho that you pisses me off. So I told him to take care of you and he agreed," she said.

I yanked my hands forcefully from their grip then ran towards my brother's class. "No, please, not my brother. Please God. Just save him," I begged as I was running so hard like there's no tomorrow.

Troublemaker - Kang DanielWhere stories live. Discover now