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Hello Ladies

Edward here

My son, Jacob

She's also my mirror.

Hello Ladies

Remember me?

Look around

What do you see?

Hello Ladies

I'm the good twin

And remember Din

He's the most FWIN.

Hello Ladies

Use Old Spice

Somehow I'm Jacob's father,


Hello Ladies

Acting Mary-Sue

And Chuck Norris

Beats all of you.

Hello Ladies

Again it is I

Cake is OK

But not as good as pie.

Hello Ladies

The ears... they are back

My son is a wolf

But for some reason, she quacks.

Hello Ladies

Joining the seals

Disco Gnome here

Jasper knows how it feels.

Hello Ladies

Want Breaks lollypop


And sing about Hitchcock

Hello Ladies

We play children's card games

Just add zombies

To anything lame.

Hello Ladies

I'm the Old Spice Guy

And my sidekick's name

Is Super Frie.

Hello Ladies


The amount of my teenage lifee

That's been badly spent.

Hello Ladies

This is the end

My greetings

I send.

You just lost the game.

I'm on a horse.

Leap Of Faith~! (Armor Games Anthology)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt