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Chapter 2 - Part 7

Perrie Edwards POV...
Now it's time for Drew's audition. I heard him sing a little bit when we came over here earlier.

(Drew Ramos Audition)

Guess it's true.
I'm not good at a one night stand.
But I still need love.
Cause I'm just a man.
These night never seem to go to plan.
And I don't want you to leave, will you hold me hand?
Oh, won't you.
Stay with me.
Cause you're.
All I need.
This ain't love, it's clear to see.
But darling.
Stay with me.
Whoa oh oh ooo oh oh oh ohh.
Whoa ooh haaa.
Whoa ooooh oh oh.
Oh, darling, stay with me.

"Wow Drew." Rita said as she walked towards him.

"Sup Rita?" He asked with that adorable smile upon his face showing his defined cheekbones and jawline.

"Well done, let's see what the Architects have to say, yeah."

"Yeah." Drew nodded.

"Emma, ladies first." Rita said to her.

"Okay, oh my goodness, um haha, I loved the boys and girls supporting you there. You seemed a little bit nervous at the beginning."

"He's shaky." Rita said to her while putting her hands on his shoulder.

Poor guy, I know exactly how he's feeling.

I'm still scared shitless about my audition.

Everything would've gone a whole lot more smoother if George was here.

"Now, I could feel that, but when you came up here and you looked in my eyes, I-I-I liked that bit a lot." Emma said her opinion on Drew's audition.

He looks like he needs a massive group hug.

"Group hug later at the end?" Jade asked in a low voice while talking into my ear.

"Yeah, definitely. I really hope that they make it into the top 18." I said to her with my knee still bouncing.

"Try to calm your breathing. I don't want you to have a panic attack." She warned me.

"The last time that happened was back when we were in school together." I replied as the bouncing of my knee slowed and my breathing calmed.

"I liked that bit a lot." Emma continued with what she was saying about his audition.

The boys were smiling and laughing at the situation.

"Nick." Rita said which signalled Nick Carter that it was his time to voice his thoughts.

Please be good, please be good.

"I'd like to know where you get your inspiration to sing." Nick stated what he thought. "What made you want to be a singer in the first place?"

"Uh, I would say that my inspiration is definitely my mom. When I was younger she would take me to church and I kinda found my love for music through worship. I eventually started to take singing seriously. I wanna be a singer, a superstar." He replied.

"I love your style, everything about you." Nick finished up on what he thought.


"You first came out a little nervous but I kept looking at you and I'm telling you not to be nervous. You kinda kicked into a second gear. Which you gotta be careful with the pitch, because you're a little pitchy on some of the notes. Other than that, you've got swag." Timbaland had outspoken his thoughts.

"Thank you." Drew thanked them on what they said.

"You got your swag dude." Rita said to Drew as all of the other boys clapped and cheered for him.

Then it was onto the next person auditioning, Chance Perez.

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