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K-Marzzz — Poison (audio)

Chapter 1 - Part 8

Perrie Edwards POV...
"I think that when we get back to the hotel, I'm gonna go to bed." I spoke up as we walked back towards the hotel and let out a yawn. "It's been a long day."

"I agree." Jesy said.

"I really need to go and hit the hay sack." Chance said as he also yawned.

I looked up into the sky and saw that the sun was setting.

"I can't wait to get some sleep." Leigh stumbled.

"I swear you're drunk." Devin said as she fell into him.

"Or maybe I'm cold and want a hug from you." Leigh sassed.

"That's a fair point." He replied and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

That guy is really tall, he could probably use her head as an arm rest.

"Before I forget, some time either tomorrow if the day after, do any of you want to do the Bean Boozled Challenge for my YouTube channel?" I asked them all.

"As long as you get them to follow @RealJadenGray then I'm in." Jaden replied.

The girls looked between each other, deciding whether they want to participate or not.

"I'm in if you two are also up for it." Jess said looking at Jade and Leigh.

"I'm in." Leigh spoke up.

"Ah fuck it...what's to lose?" Jade asked rhetorically.

"It'd be best to do it after the auditions, so do it on Friday." Jess stated.

I nodded.

I'm guessing that I'll be doing the challenge with Jesy, Jade, Leigh-Anne and Jaden.

I can't wait to see what their reactions are when they get the bad beans.

"I miss my sister." I said. "I miss my mother, my brother...and George."

"I miss my mom as well." Chance stated. He looked like he wanted to say another name but didn't mention it.

I guess I'll ask him about it tomorrow, that's if he'll say something about it.

"Me pregunto si hay alguien que hable español." I said to myself in Spanish.
(I wonder if there's anyone that speaks Spanish)

"You speak Spanish?" Devin asked.

"Yeah." I replied. "I learnt to speak in Spanish when I was still in school."

"I only know a few words..." Jade trailed off.

"Which ones?" Jaden asked her as we were coming up to the hotel.

"Oh, you know...puta, polla, bastardo." She replied casually.
(Bitch, cock, bastard.)

"Haha." I laughed at what she said.

I found it so amusing and I legit have no idea why...maybe because she knows some Spanish.

"Hey, I only know one of them." Chance said to her. "You said 'bastard'."

We all walked into the hotel building while laughing slightly.

"What you all laughing about?" Two lads asked while we walked through the door.

"Oh, you know...the fact that Chance only knew one of three words that were said in Spanish." Drew laughed.

"Who speaks Spanish?" The guy with a really nice accent said, he kinda looks like a young Bruno Mars.

"Perrie." Devin replied.

"Who's Perrie?" The tall guy with nice hair and looks really young asked.

"I'm Perrie, nice to meet you." I replied.

"I'm Sergio." The Bruno Mars kid said.

"I'm Jay Gilbert but most people just call me JHype."

"Okay, well...I'm gonna go and head off up to the room and get ready for bed." I said and turned around to go and walk towards the elevator so that I could go up to the seventh floor. I mean, it's a lot easier than using the stairs, and quicker.

I heard footsteps behind me so turned around to see who it is. Turns out that it's Jesy.

"Hey." I smiled at her as the elevator door opened and we walked in.

"Hey." She replied. "I'm so glad that I have some friends here."

"Same, I feel like there's gonna be a really massive group of us." I replied with a really big smile on her face.

"I can't wait to see what songs people audition with." She stated while pressing the number for the seventh floor.

"I'm gonna be singing Listen by Beyoncé." I said to her so that she knows what song I'll be singing. "What about you?" I asked.

"I'll be singing Paris by The Chainsmokers."

"Oooh I love that song." I told her.


We made our way to our hotel room and went straight to get some pyjamas so that we could get ready for bed.

"Goodnight." Jesy said.

"Night, see you in the morning."

I headed to the half that me and Chance share and climbed into bed, grabbing my phone and putting up the post of the pizza snack with the group of new friends.

After I did, I put my phone on charge and tried to get to sleep.

I eventually did.

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