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Chapter 1 - Part 6

Perrie Edwards POV...
I turned around to look where the voice came from and spotted her, she crossed the road came straight towards me.

"How are you holding up?" She asked me.

"It still hurts." I replied. "Just knowing that it shoulda been me that was hit by the bus and not him."


Today I was meeting my friends from London because they came over to America so that they could some and see me. And they're also on tour for their EP.

I was crossing the road because that's where they were, they were over there waiting for me on the other side of the road.

I headed to cross the road but didn't notice the bus coming, it was about to crash straight into me but I got pushed out of the way.


"Don't ever think like that." She said to me. "You shouldn't burden yourself."

"I can't help it...I can't help but feel like it's my fault. If I was more careful and looked to make sure that the road was clear then he wouldn't be where he is today."

"He saved your life...that means something in my book. He loved you and you were his best friend." She said to me while she took something wrapped in wrapping paper out of her bag. "He got you this...it's supposed to be for your birthday, but obviously-" I cut her off so that she didn't have to say anymore because I know that she's already in the verge of tears.

"It's okay, I understand." I said to her.

"Here." She handed it to me. "So, what you doing?"

"I'm going to get Pizza with some friends and then tomorrow I have auditions for a show called Girl Band." I replied.

"I see you're trying to chase the dream that he always said you could achieve." She stated.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Anyway, I've got to go now." She said while turning on her heel. "Goodbye Perrie."

"Goodbye." I waved to her but she didn't see 'cause she was already walking away.

"Was that his mom?" Chance asked me as I looked down.

"Yeah." I replied while looking at the wrapped box. "Let's catch up with the others."

I looked up and continued to walk. I think I'm walking the way we just came from.

"Uh...it's this way." Chance said while pointing in a different way than where I was heading.

I turned around 180 degrees so that I was facing him and walking in the direction that he was pointing in.

"Let's go get that motherfucking pizza." I said as my stomach growled.

"I agree." Chance said as we both walked towards Pizza Palace.

I can't help but wonder, 'what's in the box?' However, I know that I can't open it until my birthday, which is next month.

"I need to record a video for YouTube, shit!" I complained at my bad memory.

"What kind of stuff do you do?" He asked.

"Normally singing videos with the occasional pranks, vlogs and some other stuff."

"You ever don't the Bean Boozled Challenge?" He asked.

"No, isn't that the disgusting flavours of jelly beans?" I asked him.

"Bingo." He said. I guess that means I'm right.

"Who's do it though?" I asked him.

"Not me, Devin probably won't want to do it. Maybe get the girls or Drew and Jaden."

"Okay, I'll ask them all if they want to." I said as he opened the door and we spotted them all sat as a large table while looking at the menus.

"Now watch them all agree and want to do it." He laughed lightly.

"Blueberry or Toothpaste isn't that bad, they're both good anyway." I stated.

"Same with the Lawn Clippings one." Chance added.

"Yup, and the Baby Wipes or Coconut."

"You're finally here." Jade smiled as she looked up and spotted us.

"Whet were you two doing?" Drew asked.

"Getting off in an alleyway?" Devin asked in a teasing manner.

"No conversations like that at a food table please." Jaden said to the pair of them to make them shut up about the topic.

Me and Chance took a seat opposite from each other, he sat next to Devin while I sat next to Jesy.

My idea of George O'Malley came from Greys Anatomy.
I was so sad when he died so I thought that try and creat a character similar to him.

I'm The One || Chance PerezWhere stories live. Discover now