Chapter Twenty-Three

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   There was no reward bigger than realizing the truth. There were a lot of truths. One being; she was thankful to have an understanding brother. Thankful he loved her no matter who or what she was in this word or the next. Or, finding friends who loved her without hesitation. Then there was findings Maia, who made her feel more than life itself. A reward new to Kaliska, was acceptance. She finally understood what it meant to be a hybrid. To feel complete and satisfied.

   Wrapped in Maia's embrace, Kaliska breathed in what she found to be life itself. Wild and fresh forest. She buried herself into Maia. "I think I did it. I feel...whole." Kaliska smiled, savoring Maia's warmth. "I didn't kill Renee. But...I did oh...I had no choice." Kaliska hadn't turned to the dead vampire splattered all over.

   The entire time Kaliska enjoyed Maia's warmth, she noticed a stillness. She'd been wrapped up in her new found integration, Kaliska hadn't realized there was something wrong. She lifted her head up. "Hey. You found me. I'm safe."

   "Yeah. I felt you and knew. That's how we found you." Maia smiled weakly. She combed her fingers through Kaliska's hair.

   "Then why are you looking this way?" Kaliska cupped Maia's chin. "You look as if you'd seen a ghost."

   If Kaliska could take her guessing games to the Casino she'd be rich. Maia's face blanched as if Kaliska hit jackpot. Glancing around, she noticed Iris coming down the stairs. Kaliska furrowed her brow, suspicious of their quietness.

   "Kaliska..." Maia pressed both hands along her arms. She sighed, wanting to break the news.

   "What?" Kaliska voice cracked low, now worried. "You can tell me anything." She gave Maia a silly smile. "I'll love you no matter what."

   Footsteps, brought Kaliska to look over Maia's shoulder. There was a second moment where Kaliska wanted to run. Not because there was an unbeatable threat. Not out of disinterest. It was out of fear.

Maia hands did not pull away. The warmth in Maia's skin, increasing as Kaliska's tension raised.

Never meeting her till this moment, Kaliska knew who she was. It was as if she'd always known her face. Words could not pass through Kaliska's lips. Too distraught, it took her a moment to even breathe again.

What did this mean? Kaliska didn't know how to act. Maybe if she was a child meeting her birth mother for the first time, it would be appropriate to run into her arms. Cry and tell her how much she wanted to know her. Kaliska had always been quite the opposite of that. And her fantasies were long past her. The rehearsed speeches she use to make, forgotten.

Speaking softly, Kaliska tilted her head to one side. She could smell Miles upstairs. Kaliska was so much more aware of everything. "Can you please come down, and take my brother home."

Knowing she was talking to him, Miles walked halfway down the steps.

"I prefer—"

Looking up at Miles, he shut his mouth. Her look was dangerous. "My..." Kaliska sighed, needing a moment. "My parents know who you are. I need to make sure he gets home safely."

"I don't want to—"

"My night is not over, Jake." She turned to him, smiling weakly. She cupped his cheek, eyes pleading. "I promise I will come see you the moment this is all over. If not by end of night ... tomorrow."

Looking pass his sister, over at the woman Kaliska had been staring at, Jake nodded. "Don't forget."

"How could I?" Kaliska joked without cracking a smile. Jake and April walked around everyone, heading upstairs. Shifting her body to the side of everyone, Kaliska stared at the weak vampire. His body looked shriveled and over worked.

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